Chapter 5

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It's been a week since the Full moon. I haven't spoken to Lupin yet, but I need to. Classes just finished so I need to go find him.

"Hey, Cissa, I have to go but I'll meet you in the common room later." I called to Narcissa before running off to find Lupin.

I found him outside McGonagall's office. I called to him and he turned around. He looked shocked to say the least.

"Oh, uh, Malfoy." He managed to stutter out.

"Hey Lupin, can we talk? Alone." I added as I saw Black and Potter walk out of McGonagall's office.

"Sure," He nodded and then turned to Potter and Black, "Padfoot, Prongs, I'll catch up with you later." He then nodded for me to follow and started walking away. I walked next to him and we went to a tree near the Black Lake. We both sat down under it.

"As you should know, I know about your lycanthropy. I have for a while now. I won't tell anyone, I've been keeping this secret for two years already." I said looking out at the Black Lake. It's rumoured to be home to The Giant Squid.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you know? And I'm grateful for you not telling anyone, but how can you even talk to me, I'm...I'm a monster." I decided to look at him. He had tears in his eyes, he looked absolutely heartbroken.

"You're not a monster. You're Remus Lupin. With a monster inside of you. We've all got monsters, some just show more than others. I know because I started to suspect it in fifth year, especially with Severus taking about it so much, and I decided to follow you four. Potter saved me. He just didn't know it was me, he didn't know who he saved and couldn't do anything about it." I explained the story once again, not to the one who saved me but to the one I was saved from.

"I could've killed you."

"Ah but you didn't." I said with a smirk and then I laughed. He soon joined in but I could tell he was still a little upset. He wasn't really laughing, it was fake. It was really good, but he's eyes betrayed him, his eyes didn't have that sort of glint of happiness people do when they laugh, or just happy in general.

We continued speaking, just getting to know each other. It was nice talking to him, and getting to know all the things the Marauders get up to. They even managed to make a map of Hogwarts that also tells you where everyone is. It's very impressive work I have to admit.

After an hour or two Lucius, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Regulus, Mulciber, and Snape interrupted us. This couldn't be good.

"Malfoy! What are you doing with a filthy half-breed?" Bellatrix snarled at us. She looked at Remus with utter disgust. Time for me to put the mask back on. I got up from the ground, and Remus stood as well.

"Lupin just had a few questions about prefect schedules. Have you forgotten I'm Head Girl? I have many prefects and learners alike coming to me with questions." I said with a completely blank expression, something I've been taught how to do from a young age.

"You two seemed a bit too comfortable." Lucius said, staring me down. I purposely avoided his eyes, keep them glued to Bellatrix.

"You must've seen wrong." Was all I said. Lupin had caught on an decided to help me.

"Thank you for helping me, Malfoy, I'll see you at the next meeting." He nodded to me and walked away. Bellatrix wanted to hex him but I disarmed her before she could do it. She was absolutely pissed by that.

"Now Bellatrix, can't have you hexing one of my prefects. We still need him." I said with a slight smirk, this only made her angrier.

"Let's go." She said to the others and walked off. They followed, except for Lucius. Shit.

"Livvy. You're walking on thin ice. I've asked you to be careful. You're going to get yourself killed." He whispered angrily.

"Lucy. We were talking about prefect schedules. I told you this."

"But you weren't. I could see you were talking like friends. I'll let it go now but stop it." He turned around and left. I've disappointed him. I have never disappointed him before. He looked so disappointed, yet he covered it with anger.

I need to find Remus, luckily he came straight to me. He was most likely hiding, waiting for me then to leave. He must've seen everything that happened between me and my brother. "Malfoy, what was that? Why'd you lie?"

"I've been taught from a young age to have the same beliefs they do, but I don't. And I can't exactly say that without consequences. I don't believe in their views one bit, it's absolutely revolting what they believe in. Now don't tell anyone about this. I've got to go before they catch us again, goodbye Remus." I said quickly, looking around to make sure they're not still around.

"Goodbye Alivia. We'll talk soon." He said and walked off, presumably to the Gryffindor common room. I just need to sleep. Tomorrow's Hogsmeade weekend so at least I can relax and have some fun at Hogsmeade.

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