Chapter 24

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James POV

I woke up this morning in a very uncomfortable position. My neck aches and I have a pounding headache. My arm was still has a numb pain due to the events of last night.

I made my way to get up when I noticed Alivia leaning on my shoulder. We must have fallen asleep here. I only got back early this morning so we must have only gotten a few hours of sleep. I looked at the clock above the fireplace to confirm my suspicions. Three hours. It was 8:23am.

I should wake Alivia up. I gently shook her shoulder until she woke. She mumbled something in her sleep before opening her eyes. She looked shocked to say the least.

"Why are we in the common room?" she asked as her eyes darted across the room.

"I got back late last night. You helped me with my wounds," her lips parted slightly as she remembered the events of last night. Something flashed in her eyes and she looked down. "It's half eight. We are going to be late to class." I said, my eyes darting back to the clock.

She nodded before giving me a smile. I smiled back. She got up and left to her room, presumably to get ready for class.

Lily is never going to talk to me again. She has been avoiding me like the plague. She even got Remus to take her place whenever we had patrols together.

I'm so stupid. She probably hates me.

It's my first free period of the day. I unlike Moony and Alivia didn't take Arithmacy. I will never understand how they can make it through that, let alone Advanced Arithmacy.

I chose to spend the free period in the Gryffindor common room. I was hoping to catch Padfoot or Wormtail in here but Padfoot's probably with a girl and Wormtail's probably in the kitchens.

The door to the Gryffindor common room opened. I did not look up, not really caring who it was. I only bothered to look up from the Potions homework I was pretending to do when someone cleared their throat in front of me.

It was Lily. I looked at her shocked. I opened and closed my mouth trying to find something to say. I wanted to apologise and explain that I didn't cheat on her.

"Lily." I breathed. I really am pathetic. I mentally facepalmed. Remus would be so disappointed in me.

"I wanted to say sorry, James." She fiddled with the hem of her Gryffindor jersey.

"No don't be sorry. It's me who should apologise." I moved over slightly to allow her to sit. She shook her head.

"No. I should have let you explain. I should have trusted you. Alivia explained everything to me."

"Alivia?" I stopped her rambling. Why would Alivia talk to Lily?

Lily stopped talking and then started explaining. "Oh yeah. Alivia isn't too bad. She is quite nice and she told me about this magic mistletoe stuff."

"That's great." I grinned, "I really am sorry. I miss you."

Lily grinned before she leaned forward and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and grinned into the kiss. Something didn't feel right, it feels like I'm supposed to be doing this with someone else. No, Lily is the one I'm meant to be with. Lily is the only one. Not Alivia. Wait Alivia? No I don't like her. I only have feelings for Lily.

I hated DADA. Well I loved the subject, but most of the teachers are so incompetent. Every year there has been a new teacher. This year's one is worst than last year's and he nearly blew up the classroom.

This professor droned on and on about the work but rarely let us practice physical spells.

Until today.

Patronus Charm.

I already knew how to cast a fully corporeal patronus. All the Marauders did. This was going to be easy.

Everyone was practicing when Padfoot and I decided to give it a turn.

"Ready Pads?" I asked with a grin.

"Ready Prongs. He confirmed with a smirk.

"3." I started.


"1." On one we both casted a patronus. An elegant stag and a shaggy dog shot from our wands. They flew around the class as the seventh years watched on in a amazement.

The dog vanished but in its place a fox appeared. It pounced around the stag a few times before they both disappeared.

I looked to the Professor who started speaking. "Well down Mr Potter, Mr Black, and Ms Malfoy. Ten points to each for preforming a corporeal patronus.

I shook my head to get rid of the confusion of how Alivia could produce a patronus already.

"Thank you professor." Sirius grinned. I grinned with him and swung my arm around his shoulders.

We turned back to Moony and Wormtail. "You should have joined us, mate. Not up for showing us how brilliant you are, eh moony?" I asked with a grin.

Remus rolled his eyes and scoffed, before smiling. "You confusing me with yourself Prongs. Everyone knows how brilliant I am already, I don't have to prove it." Remus smirked. He may act all innocent and saint-like, but he's as mischievous as the rest of us.

I looked over at Alivia who was surrounded by her friends. They were all praising her for her achievement. She was smiling brightly. How he loved that smile. He loved the way he felt the first time he made her smile like that.

She may smile a lot but there's a difference, that one isn't forced. They usually are.


Yay!! 3.5k readers at the time of writing this!! I'm so happy!! Thank you all my lovely readers. Comments and votes mean a lot to me and I love you all!!

How did you guys like a change in POV? Did you like it? Should I do it more often?

I've decided to give you all a treat and update now. I'm starting school tomorrow and once again I'm incredibly nervous. You'd think being in the same school for two years would ease the nerves but no it really doesn't.

Bye!! <3

– mysticpanda xx

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