Chapter 19

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There's a week until Christmas holidays. A week until it happens. A week until I get my dark mark.

I don't think I can do it. I've been stressed out since I got the letter. I know people have noticed. For Merlin's sake even James has noticed!

Narcissa still doesn't know what's going on. I know she's worried. I'll tell her soon. Maybe after it happens. If I even make it through.

I'd been walking down the corridors and as I turned a corner I nearly walked into the Marauders. They were standing around a 1st year.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as I step towards the kid. I notice them that the Marauders have been glaring at me. Remus isn't, though he seems a bit off.

The kid cowers away from me. I step back to give him some space. Turning towards the Marauders and ask, "What happened?"

Black continues to glare. "Why don't you ask your brother? Or shouldn't you know already? You've been bullying 1st years since you become a 2nd year." He sneered.

I clenched my jaw and run to find my brother.

I finally find him only a few corridors away. He's alone.

"Lucius! What the hell is wrong with you? You can't seriously be bullying 1st years again." I said. My hands were clenched and I was glaring at him.

"Oh come on. He's a mudblood." He laughs as if it's okay.

"You know Lucius? I love you but you know I don't agree with your ways. Muggleborns don't deserve to be bullied or tortured or even killed. I'm not coming home for Christmas and you can't make me!" I shouted. I had tears streaming down my face. I broke. I couldn't hold it in. All this stress was too much.

"Alivia you can't. Slughorns not going to let you stay. Mother and Father won't let you stay. Do you have any idea what they'd say!" He said.

"I don't care what they have to say. I can't get that dark mark." I was whispering now. "I can't." With that I ran to Slughorns office.

I heard footsteps behind me but I assumed it was Lucius so I said, "Go away Lucius!"

"It's not Lucius." A voice said.

I whipped around and saw James standing behind me. I wiped away my tears and sniffed. "What do you want?" I said looking down. I kept myself busy by fidgeting with my fingers.

"I heard everything." He gulped, "he's right. Slughorn won't let you stay here."

"I'll make him." I said still looking down, my voice muffled.

"You can stay at my house. You'd be safe there. No one else has to know you're there. My parents would love to have you over." He smiled.

I smiled back. I nearly broke down in tears all over again at his kindness. I nodded my head to accept his offer.

He pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for a while before we realised we were now late for Potions.

We ran back to Potions. We were 15 minutes late by the time we got there. We both laughed before he opened the door.

"Mr Potter, Miss Malfoy. Glad you could finally make it to class." Professor Slughorn said. The entire class was looking at us.

"Prefect duties, Professor. You know those first years, always got a few that are homesick." He gave one of his charming smiles to the Professor. Slughorn sighed but gestures to our seats.

We sat down but laughed at each other. Black called James from behind us. "Where the hell were you two?" He whisper-yelled.

"Alivia is staying with us for Christmas." James replied. "Mum and Dad will be fine with it."

"You haven't even asked yet?" Remus butted in.

"Of course not Moony, who do you think we are?" James have a crooked grin. Black smiled too and Remus just shook his head.

I laughed but turned around, finally able to concentrate in class. I was still screwed but I had time at least.

James nudged my arm with his elbow. He bent down slightly and whispered, "do I count as a friend now?" I turned to look at him and he grinned.

"Of course you do." We both laughed.

I was smiling the whole day. I don't know why though. Maybe just the thrill of having another friend.

Now. I need to tell Narcissa. Everything.

This chapter was a bit short but I hope you enjoy. This was more of a filler chapter but also a chapter to indicate the growing relationship between James and Alivia.

I just made the worst mistake of my life. I literally want to kill myself. I write my work on a different app. I just finished writing the next chapter. I was proud of my work you. I thought it was pretty good. Then I went and accidentally deleted it. Well sort of replaced it with another document and now I can't restore it. I feel sooo stupid. Now I have to go and rewrite that entire chapter. And to make it worse I made it longer than the others as sort of a treat because I never update. So yeah that's how shitty my life is right now.


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