Chapter 11

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First Quidditch match of the season today. Of course I'm going to go watch even though my team isn't playing. It's Hufflepuff against Gryffindor today.

I hopped out of bed and got changed. I walked out of my dorm and left to the Great Hall for breakfast. Many people were awake even though it was still early. All of the quidditch enthusiasts were up, excited for the match today. Even I couldn't deny I was a little bit excited for today.

My eyes scanned the Slytherin table to see if I could spot any of my friends. Only Lucius. I walked up and sat in front of him.

He was far too distracted to notice I had sat down in front of him. I poked his head to get his attention. His head shot up with his eyebrows furrowed in anger but his features immediately softened when he noticed it was me.

I smiled, "Hello Lucius. How are you this fine morning?" He grumbled at my enthusiasm. Bad morning then. "What's wrong Lucius?" I asked a bit more concerned.

"Just stressed. I'll be fine." He avoided making eye contact. This is about me then. He's probably worried about me and the war.

"Stop stressing yourself out Lucius. I'll be fine. We'll be fine." I said with a reassuring smile. He nodded and gave me a grateful smile.

I looked around and saw Narcissa sat a little ways away with Severus and Regulus. She probably knew we were talking about something important. I playfully shoved Lucius' shoulder and said, "Come on brother. We've got a Quidditch match to watch."

We all sat in the Slytherin stands and watched the matched. It had started not even ten minutes ago and Potter had already score two goals for Gryffindor. I hate to admit it but Potter is actually a really good chaser. With the way he swiftly glides through the air like a bird, how he flies through the sky with such concentration. The way his hair blows in the wind as he as he scores goal after goal. The look of determination on his handsome face—wait what? Handsome? I mean he's okay but not handsome. Where did that even come from?

I was broken away from my thoughts when Narcissa called for me. I turned and raised an eyebrow in guestion. She mouthed 'are you okay?' I nodded back and gave her a reassuring smile.

Gryffindor ended up winning. Hufflepuff put up a good fight but they lost two chasers and a beater last year so they were kind of rusty. I had no doubt Potter would get back to our dorms late tonight as there would most likely be a celebration party.

Quidditch has always been an important part of my life but I need to focus more on my studies and school. My parents never liked that I spent my time playing quidditch. They've always thought it was a waste of time. I guess they were pretty happy when I decided to drop it.

Since we had no classes I decided to spend my time with Narcissa under out favourite tree. We sat there for a while, talking and joking, or even just staring at the lake. It really is beautiful.

Lucius joined us after a while. He sat next to Narcissa and held her hand. I've always admired their relationship. They were so in love and fate decided to stay away for now, letting them be together even with an arranged marriage. I still find it hard to believe they were together before the arrangement. How lucky they are.

Regulus and Severus soon joined us. They sat in front of us. We all laughed and joked together. Severus was reading though but he occasionally joined in on the conversation before going back to reading.

Our peace was soon erupted by none other than, you guessed it, the Marauders. They walked up to us. Potter and Black glared at Severus and Lucius and they glared back.

"Do you have a reason you're here or do you just want to bother us?" I asked them. Potter looked at me but before he could reply Remus spoke.

"Yes actually, Professor Slughorn wishes to speak with you Alivia." He said.

"Thank you, Remus." I replied with a nod.

Severus sneered, "Since when are you two on a first name basis?"

"I try to be on a first name basis with all of my prefects Severus. It would do no good if they all hated me." I spoke back with a calm, stern voice. He just glared at Remus. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must go." I waved at them and and walked to Professor Slughorns office.

The Marauders followed me. I looked at them with a raised eyebrow and asked, "Do you have a reason for following me?"

"Well Slughorn wanted to see us." Potter said from beside me.

"That doesn't mean the rest of you have to follow." I said looking at the other three. They said goodbye to Potter and walked away.

"Wow don't have to chase away all of my friends." Potter laughed.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Let's just get to Slughorns office."

Turns out Slughorn wanted to check on how things were going being the new Head Girl and Boy. Nothing too important. Slughorn just loves to talk.

Potter and I were now walking to the Great Hall for supper. Now this would be fine but he would not shut up. I swear he can give Slughorn a run for his money with how much he talks.

He was blabbering about something to do with one of the Marauders pranks and I honestly couldn't care less about it. I think he realised I stopped listening because he stopped talking.

I turned to look at him, but he just started talking again. He probably did that to get my attention. I almost laughed out loud at the thought.

The sneaky little prick.

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