Chapter 21

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What was supposed to be a peaceful Sunday afternoon couldn't not have been any less chaotic.

I showered that morning and got dressed into something casual. I went downstairs where I ate breakfast with the Marauders, Evans, and Mr and Mrs Potter.

Both adult Potters went out shopping for the day leaving us teenagers with the house to ourselves.

The day started out great, Lily Evans has not spoken to me at all today except to say, rather begrudgingly, good morning.

I ran upstairs to put down the book I just finished, "Pride and Prejudice." It is my favourite book. I've read it about five times already.

I ran into James as he was coming out of his room.

He caught me as I collided with his chest. "Oh uh sorry I wasn't paying attention." I apologised while looking down.

"Oh no it's fine." He smiled. I looked up at him. I made my way to leave but I couldn't. Some force was holding me back.

James looked just as confused as he tried to leave. Gosh I'm a fool. I looked up. Magic Mistletoe. James followed my lead and looked up.

"Dammit Padfoot." He muttered. "Magic Mistletoe. Of course he'd do this." James suddenly looked really embarrassed. I knew why.

The only way to get out of magic mistletoe was to kiss the person who you were stuck under it with.

"Just get it over with we don't have all day." I said. I was not about to be stuck under mistletoe all day because James didn't want to offend anyone.

"Okay." He breathed. He gripped my shoulders lightly and kissed me on the lips. I put my hands on his chest as I closed my eyes.

The kiss ended as soon as it started. It was short by at least we were free. I heard a gasp from behind me and we both turned around.

There standing behind us, was Lily Evans.

"Lily I can explain." James rushes to her quickly.

Lily looked as if she had tears in her eyes. "What? How you just so happened to be kissing Malfoy? I'm leaving." She turned around and left.

"Wait Lily." James called pathetically.

I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. I may not have liked Lily but she didn't deserve this.

"I'm sorry James." He turned around to look me in my eyes.

He gulped. "It's not your fault, Alivia."

I nodded and he turned around and went to his room. I sighed.

Now I felt really bad. He loves her and now I've gone and ruined it when he finally got her. I'm such a screw up.

I walked back down to the living room where the rest of the Marauders were sitting.

I sat down and then they all started piling on questions.

"Why'd Lily leave?"

"Why was she crying?"

"Did they break up?"

"Shut up all of you!" I snapped. "Lily left because James kissed me. No they didn't break up."

"James kissed you?!" They all screamed.

"Yes because someone," I glared at Sirius, "put up magic mistletoe. He kissed me so we could get out. Lily unfortunately only saw the part where he kissed me, got upset, and left."

They all nodded, now understanding what happened.

"Wait where's Prongs?" Sirius asked.

"He's in his room. He was pretty upset." I said.

Christmas Day rolled around and other than James being so gloomy is was pretty good.

We ate cookies and drank hot cocoa as we opened presents.

James was pretending to be happy, though I suspected he was a little happy. He couldn't stay sad for too long. It just wasn't who he was.

I got a green jumper from Mr and Mrs Potter along with necklace with and olive tree pendant. It was very thoughtful seeing as my name means Olive Tree.

From Remus I received a lovely quill set with a book as well. Peter gave me some sweets from Hogsmeade. Sirius gave me a book titled, "A guide for the everyday Prankster." If only he knew.

James got me a bracelet with little charms representing a stag, a dog, a wolf, and a rat. He claimed that it was so I would never forget the four of them. He also gave me a box of cappuccino sachets, because of how much I love coffee.

Narcissa gave me some makeup and perfume, Lucius got me some books, Regulus got me some boots, Severus got me a new cauldron.

From my parents I received a very angry letter as well as some money.

Dear Alivia,

Where are you? Lucius said he had no idea where you are not that you were not coming home for Christmas.

The Dark Lord is disappointed that you were not there. You will be punished when you get home during Summer.

Your Mother.

Shit. That was all I could think. What can I do? What can I do?

I'll just write a letter saying I don't want a dark mark yet. Yes. I'll say I want to focus on school and not Death Eaters. Then in Summer I can leave. I'll go into hiding if I must.

The rest of Christmas Day was spent outdoors in the snow. During the late afternoon we all came inside and enjoyed a fulfilling dinner and dessert before we all went to bed.

I didn't though. I couldn't sleep. I was up all night and when I did fall asleep I was woken by nightmares.

I was not ready. Not in the slightest. Graduating is going to be one hell of a struggle.


Hi everyone! Happy New Year! 2020 is going to be one hell of a year for sure. Not only am I going to be more invested in school work but my writing as well.

I'm going to try to be more organised so I can update regularly. First term is always the easiest. Everyone settles into the new year and the teachers go easy.

I'm so excited for Grade 10! Time is flying by. I wish you all a wonderful year and hope you all have a fantastic time!

– mysticpanda xx

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