Thank you!

4.3K 45 16

Thank you so much for reading my book. Thank you to all the readers who have been there from the very first chapter and the readers who have just recently started reading.

All of your little comments make me so happy! Whether it's something you found cute or funny or just felt the need to comment about how you felt about the story, they all made my day.

I never thought my story would every get more than 1k reads to be honest so when it passed the 10k mark I was already happier than I ever could be. And the reads just kept coming, I'm so grateful for that.

You have all inspired me to keep writing even when I felt the need to quit because I didn't like it. But you did, and that encouraged me to continue.

So thank you, dear reader. For taking the time to read this story, vote, and even comment sweet things. Thank you so much. <3

If you would like to see more stories, one of my other books is Roses // R.Black. It's a Regulus Black ff so if you're interested check it out. I just recently started updating and I'll continue updating every Friday.

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