Chapter 40

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This chapter is sort of going to be snippets of moments throughout the year. xx


I stood in the entrance of Potter Manor as I waited for Sirius to finish getting ready. Today would be Narcissa and Lucius' wedding.

James was hesitant to let me go because he knew there would be Death Eaters there, that's how he ended up forcing Sirius to go so I would not be alone. Sirius of course was not very happy about this but he agreed nonetheless.

I was dressed in a simple black dress and heels. I would be changing into my bridesmaids dress later when I got ready with Narcissa and, her sisters, the other two bridesmaids.

Andromeda accepted the invitation despite the fact that their mother deeply disagreed. They also didn't want Sirius to attend but Narcissa asked them all to keep quiet about who was their because it was her special day.

After what seemed like forever, Sirius finally finished getting ready. He was wearing a black suit. James followed our behind him.

"Be careful, yeah." James said as he leaned down to kiss me. I smiled and pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck and his around my waist.

"I'll be fine, Narcissa has forbid anyone from ruining her wedding day and Merlin knows how scary she can be." I let out a giggle. "Bye James."

The wedding was wonderful. Lucius was nearly in tears as he watched his soon-to-be wife walk down the aisle. My new sister-in-law.

The ceremony was so beautiful and even the after party was stunningly decorated. Sirius, however, was not having a great time.

"Sirius, I just want to go congratulate them and then we can go." I smiled at him.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "we don't have to do that. He's your brother after all."

I sighed but chuckled, "yes and he always will be my brother. Now come on, you look absolutely miserable."

He chuckled but followed me to my brother. We reached them just after they thanked another couple who congratulated them.

I squealed and pulled Narcissa into a tight hug. "You're finally married!" I pulled away and turned to Lucius as well. "Look after her Lucius, or I will destroy you. I don't care if you're my brother." I said sternly.

He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. "I'd let you destroy me if I ever treated her wrong." He whispered into my shoulder. I squeezed him before letting go.

Sirius has just finished congratulating Narcissa and he turned to my brother. He put out his hand to shake, "congratulations."

Lucius looked at him for a second before gripping his hand tightly and shaking it. "Thank you." He nodded. "Make sure my sister doesn't get herself killed, will you."

I scoffed but Sirius laughed, "James already has that under control." Lucius smiled. If only they knew I was already on the way to getting myself killed.

We said out goodbyes and left.

July came and went and before I knew it, it was the 6th of August.

The day I would officially become a Death Eater.

I had frequent meetings with Dumbledore, ones James thought I was visiting Narcissa, and he had been teaching me the concealment charm.

Once I had received my Dark Mark I would be going to Dumbledore we would test it out.

To say I was terrified would be an understatement. I wanted the charm to work so badly. I mean what would I say to James? If he found the Dark Mark I don't think I'd even be able to tell him. Dumbledore wouldn't let me. He told me if I was to ever tell someone it must be someone I trusted deeply but also someone who was skilled in Occlumency.

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