Chapter 29

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James' POV

I sat with Lily in the Gryffindor Common room. Today is Saturday so we don't have classes. At least. I would be enjoying my time playing pranks on unsuspecting Slytherins or playing Quidditch by Lily dragged me down into the common room to do study.

Ridiculous isn't it? How can she expect me to study? I mean it's only N.E.W.T's.

Lily shook me gently to get my attention. "James. You need to focus. NEWTS are important and you need to study." She said sternly.

"But Lily," I dragged out her name, "can't we have a break? We've been studying since 8:00," I complained dramatically.

She rolled her eyes, "James. It's half eight now."

"But Lilyyy. I don't want to study." I gave her a sad look as I begged her to let us do something fun. I missed hanging out with the boys. I missed playing pranks with them or burning all our homework assignments. I missed Alivia scolding us about how dangerous it was to burn our homework before showing us a way to destroy them without the possibility of setting everything on fire.

I missed my friends.

Lily moved to touch my arm but I subconsciously moved away. She looks hurt for a second before shaking it off and smiling at me.

I've been doing that a lot lately. Every time I'm with Lily I end up thinking about Alivia. She's the reason Lily is even talking to me but also the reason why she was mad at me in the first place.

Alivia invades my thoughts daily and it's affecting my relationship. I can see how it's hurting Lily when I avoiding kissing her or touching her altogether.

I don't want to hurt her. I just feel bad because I'm supposed to be thinking about her and only her. Not Alivia. Not any other girl. Lily is so sweet and she deserves so much more than a guy who likes some one else.

Don't get me wrong. I still love Lily. She's amazing. I just don't think I love her in the same way I used to.

"James." Lily called. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face her. "You zoned out there. Listen we need to talk."

"Of course Lily. What's up?" I tried to smile reassuringly but I was panicking inside.

She took a deep breath before looking me in the eye. "I know you don't feel that same way you used to for me." She said calmly but I could tell it was killing her to say this.

"What do you—"

"James," she interrupted, "Who do you like? You can tell me. I know I'm not the one who makes you happy anymore."

The broke my heart a little. "Lily. I still love you, I do, just not romantically anymore. I'm so sorry, I really am." I grabbed both her hands in mine.

"You can tell James. I know there's someone else." She smiled. She's selfless. Observant. She puts others happiness before her own and notices things others may not even know about themselves. That's why I love her. I'll always love her.

"I think...I think I like Alivia." I whispered. I couldn not bare to look her in the eye. It hurt too much to know I was hurting her.

"Alivia is kind. You two would be great together." She smiled again. She gave my hands a squeeze before turning to pack her things and leave.

"Wait Lily. Does this mean we're breaking up?"

She sighed, "Yes, James. You should follow your heart. You may have taken a few wrong turns but you're going on the right track now." She turned to leave.

"Lily." I called. She turned to look at me.

"Yes, James?"

"You'll never be a wrong turn."

I was in the boys seventh year dorms, laying on Sirius' bed. I heard talking and laughter getting closer before the door opened.

The talking stopped.

"Prongs? Mate what are you doing?" Sirius asked.

"You missed breakfast." Remus added.

"Lily broke up with me." I stated.

"What?!" All three of them screamed.




"Enough you wankers." I said as I sat up. "It's none of your bloody business. We broke up this morning." I sighed before lying back down with a thump.

"Couldn't the twat go brood in his own dorm at least?" Sirius muttered.

Unfortunately for him everyone heard. I hurtled a pillow across the room hitting Sirius directly in the face.

"You bloody wanker!" He shouted as he attacked me with pillows. Remus and Peter soon joined in. By the end we were in fits of laughter and left with a couple of bruises caused by a few flying books here and there.

Not once did I think about my problems. Not Lily, not Alivia, not the war. Nothing.

It was just pure bliss.


Hello lovelies!! It's been a week but I have finally updated!

I hope you all enjoy!

Please leave a vote/comment if you enjoy and let me know what you think!!

– mysticpanda xx

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