Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning after an amazing dream I had. I was flying a dragon, soaring through the clouds high above the ground. It was amazing, I was free. I wish it was that way in real life. I got out of bed and took a nice warm shower, I usually shower at night but I'm patrolling tonight with Potter. Wait no scratch that. I'll be doing it alone. I completely forgot tonight is the full moon so Potter will be with Lupin in the shrieking shack. I know they go there because I once followed them and a stag saved me before I was harmed, this stag happened to be Potter. I don't think he knows it was me he saved two years ago because he never mentioned it. I think he was supposed to obliviate me but forgot who I was.

Anyway I now needed to head to breakfast and the Transfiguration with Gryffindors and Charms with Ravenclaws. I also wanted to have a girls day with Narcissa next weekend. I would have it this weekend but she's spending it with Lucius.

Breakfast was the same as always and soon Narcissa and I were walking to Transfiguration together. I've never really liked Transfiguration but that's mainly because of Professor McGonagall. She knows about my family history and the fact that I'm a Slytherin makes it so much worse. If Sirius Black was in Slytherin she'd probably hate him too. I heard that McGonagall used to hate Andromeda, Narcissa's older sister, but then she married a muggleborn so now McGonagall likes her and I find that really unfair.

After Transfiguration McGonagall called me back to her desk to talk to me, for what I have no idea.

"Yes Professor." I said once I was standing in front of her desk.

"I want you to stop talking to Miss Black during class time. It's disruptive and you need to focus on your studies. Next time I will move you and deduct points" She scolded me. See what I mean? She just scolds me for no reason. I mean sure I was talking but so were Potter and Black but no she shouts at me.

"You're dismissed, Miss Malfoy." I nodded my head and left. Narcissa waited for me outside of the class.

"Come on Liv, we're going to be late for Charms if you walk that slow the whole way there." She started walking to Charms as soon as I left the classroom. Before I had a chance to reply she spoke again, "What did she want from you anyway?"

"I need to stop talking with Miss Black or else I'm going to lose points." I said , impersonating McGonagall's voice as I did so. This caused Cissa to start laughing and I shortly followed after her. Both of us laughing our whole way to Charms.

After classes I was stopped by Potter while Cissa and I were walking to the Slyhterin common room. She told me she'll go on ahead and that I should meet her in the common room.

"Yes Potter?" I questioned.

"I, uh, I can't, um, patrol with you tonight. See, um, I've got this thing I, uh, I need to do." He stuttered. This boy is terrible at lying, it almost made me laugh.

"You know Potter, you are an absolutely terrible liar. Don't worry I know where you're going and I'll be fine patrolling on my own tonight."

"How, how do you know?" He looked worried, and even scared. I don't blame him, this is a big secret.

"Do you remember when you saved a girl two years ago?"

"Yes. It was you I saved wasn't it?" Realization dawned his face.

"Yes it was me. I was growing suspicious of you four and I had suspected for a while that Lupin was a werewolf. I was wasn't really thinking when I decided to follow you but you saved me and I am so grateful for that. I haven't told anyone about Lupin, if that's what you're worried about."

"Thank you. Thank you for not telling anyone." He smiled gratefully at me.

"Thank you for saving me." I allowed myself to break my mask and smile at him. As I did this his smile seemed to widen but I might have been imagining that.

"See you around Malfoy."

"Right back at you Potter."

He smirked and walked off to wherever he planned on going. I turned around and walked to the common room to do some homework with Narcissa.

I made my way around the entrance hall when I heard whispering, and then a bang and a scream. I ran toward the source of the sound and found Lupin, Potter, and Black on floor with what looked to be an invisibility cloaked next to them.

"Malfoy." Black scowled.

"Malfoy! How wonderful it is to see you." Potter jumped up from where he was crumpled on the floor and helped up Lupin.

"I've told you before Potter, that you are a terrible liar. And how do you expect to get to the Shrieking Shack making this much noise?" Black seemed surprised but Lupin look terrified, "You're lucky it was me you ran into. Now you better get going before someone else finds you out tonight."

"How do you know?" Lupin asked weakly.

"I have my ways. Don't worry, no one else knows and I plan on keeping it that way so you better get going. We can talk about this tomorrow if you want." They threw the cloak over themselves and hurried to the shrieking shack while I continued my patrol until 23:00pm.

I went to bed as soon as I got back. Someone coming through the portrait hole managed to wake me. I was a very light sleeper. I decided to go check who it was. I opened my dorm door and saw Potter lying on the couch.

"Potter? Are you okay? Do you need some help?" I asked he was bleeding from quite a few places.

"Huh? Oh Malfoy." He tried to look at me but his head fell down again.

"Where are your friends? Are they okay?" I helped him sit up and started to heal his wounds.

"Oh Remus is in the Hospital Wing, Peter and Sirius are in their dorm, healing themselves."

"Okay, you should be fine now." I said looking up at his eyes, although he was looking at his arms and chest.

"How did you get rid of the scars? Not even Pomfrey can get rid of them." He had his eyebrows furrowed and finally looked up to meet my eyes, only as he did I looked down at the floor. He was still sitting on the couch and I was kneeling in front of him.

"Being apart of a pureblood family like the Malfoy's means you have to learn dark magic. I don't agree with it but it does come in handy with healing or defending yourself." I whispered, my eyes still glued to the floor. "Anyway, you should get some sleep. Goodnight Potter." I got up and walked to my dorm, just as I opened my door I heard him speak.

"Thank you, Malfoy. Goodnight." I closed my door and went back to sleep.

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