Chapter 45

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I apparated to my house.

More so what's left of it. The house was destroyed. Broken wood everywhere. Shattered glass covered the floor. It was ruined.

Then the realization hit me, Voldemort must've gotten here first.

I rushed inside to find James, lying on the floor. I dropped to my knees and felt for a pulse.

"No, no, no, James wake up." I kept whispering to myself. No pulse. My hands dropped to my sides.

"Alivia." A voice called.

I shot up and took out my wand and pointed it at the owner of the voice.


"Alivia, it's me." He said.

"Where are the babies?" I asked frantically.

"They're upstairs, they're okay." He reassured, "Lily is dead though." His voice cracked at the end. Then they hardened, "Pettigrew did this."

"I know." I whispered. James and Lily were dead because of him. My children could have been killed.

Sirius came forward and gave me a hug. "I'm gonna kill him." He whispered angrily.

"Then you better hurry."

After Sirius left, I went upstairs to see how the children were. I walked over to their crib and picked them both up. I just then noticed a little scar on Harry's forehead.

I heard footsteps from downstairs and put the kids down. I grabbed my wand and slowly walked to the stairs.


"Alivia. This is going to be hard on you, but for your safety, and the safety of your children, it's best you're not the one to look after them." He spoke calmly.

"What do you mean? I can look after them just fine." He can't take away my children too.

"Voldemort is suspected to have been destroyed. How? I'm not quite sure. But if he hasn't or his Death Eaters choose to rule without him, you'll be in danger, as will your children. Specifically Harry Potter."

"Where are you going to take them?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"It is best to keep Harry away from magic, so we'll be sending him to live with the Dursleys."

"They're vile!" I interrupted.

"It's best to keep him safe."

"Why can't he stay with Sirius? He's Harry's Godfather."

"Sirius was just moments ago arrested for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and 15 muggles."

He wouldn't kill 15 muggles. Pettigrew yes, but not innocent muggles.

"We'll send Sara Potter to her Godparents, if you wish."

She would be safe there.

"Will Petunia even take care of Harry? He's not related to her." Petunia wouldn't take Harry in even if he was.

"A little persuading should do it."

"And what about me? What do I do?"

"You're going to continue being my spy. Let the world know you died with James and Lily tonight. Only the Order knows you two were married. The Death Eaters know you as Alivia Malfoy."

"What are you getting at, Albus?" I asked.

"You will fake your death, go down as Alivia Malfoy. Continue with your work, collect information regarding the Death Eaters movements and if Voldemort has truly been destroyed."

With that Dumbledore left.

I sat down and cried. I let the tears flow out and cried until I couldn't anymore. The love of my life only a few meters away from me. Dead. My children were upstairs, about to be taken away from me too.

Soon after, Hagrid arrived. He was the Groundskeeper at Hogwarts.

He came to take Harry.

"Yer be'er ge' a move on. Dumbledore wan's people te believe yer dead. Aurors will be here soon te take Sara te her Godparen's." Hagrid said.

I sniffed and nodded. I got up and placed a little kiss on top of Harry's head.

"You will be safe. You are loved Harry." I whispered and let Hagrid take him.

I moved upstairs to say goodbye to Sara. I gave her a kiss and and whispered, "You are safe, you are loved Sara. The Malfoy's will love you."

And then I left.


Hope you liked the chapter!! I decided to just upload the last few chapters because I had finished them so I thought, why have you all wait when I can just upload them?

Go check out my new story, Roses // R.Black!! <3

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– mysticpanda xx

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