Lauren Jauregui

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Lauren's POV

I wake up in the morning doing my morning hygiene. I put on a New York City hoodie with a normal shirt under, some black pants, and some converse. I serve myself a cup of juice and I sigh. My parents are already gone to the company and my siblings are at school.

Normally I will bring a girl home and hook up with her but my dad said he wants me to see him at the company to meet someone that works for him. Some time passes by and I check my phone and I sigh getting up. It's four pm the exact time my dad wanted me at the company. I grab my car keys and drive over there.

I park in front of the tall building turning the car off and walking in.

"Hello, Mr. Jauregui says there's someone waiting for him," Somebody says to the woman at the front desk.

"Oh yes it's L-" I cut the lady off.

"Looking for me," I say and the woman turns around. I smirk when she just stares at me and blushes when she meets my eyes.

She walks into the elevator and I follow after her. We get to the very top floor and she walks me to my father's office.

"Wait here," The woman says and I smirk at her. She walks in telling something to my dad and walks back out "He can see you now" The woman says and I walk in.

"Hola mija," My father says and I smile at him giving him a hug.

"Hola papa," I say and he pulls away.

"Sit," He says and waves the same woman to sit next to me.

She shyly does and I chuckle. "What is this dad," I say and he looks at me.

"I want you to meet my secretary Camila Cabello," He says and I look at the woman beside me.

"Camila this is my daughter Lauren," My dad says and I smile.

"Hello Ms. Jauregui," Camila says politely and I roll my eyes.

"Don't call me that it makes me feel old," I say causing her a laugh.

I smile at how cute her laugh sounds and I nod slowly. We meet eyes and I swear I felt something I have never felt.

"Can I go back to my desk, sir?" Camila asks standing up.

I quickly grab her arm and stand up in front of her. "Why are you leaving so soon?" I whisper.

"I need to do some paperwork for Mr. Jauregui," Camila says and I smirk.

"You don't wanna stay here with me?" I whisper against her lips and she gently pushes me away.

"I can ma'am but I need to do this paperwork," Camila says and I nod.

"Don't speak nonsense, Camila," My dad says standing up. "I'll leave I gotta go to a meeting. I'll let you and Lauren talk," He says and I smile at him.

"Bye dad," I say hugging him and he hugs me back.

"Bye Laur, behave," He says giving me a stern look. "Bye Camila," He says, and Camila waves at him.

"So," I say and walk around my dad's desk.

"So," She repeats and I smirk.

"Are you nervous?" I ask and chuckle.

"No no I'm not," She says and squint my eyes at her. "I just never met anybody of Mr. Jauregui's family just your mom," She says and I nod.

"Makes sense," I say and she nods."I want to invite you to dinner," I say taking a flower from my dad's desk and tucking it behind her ear, "I wanna get to know you," I finish settling the flower perfectly. I pull away looking at her and she looks even more beautiful.

"I'll accept your invitation, but if you don't let me go I won't be able to finish some of this paperwork," She says and I nod.

"See you tonight," I say and kiss her cheek. I see her blush and I turn around. "Wear something casual," I say and she smiles at me. I blow her a kiss and wink at her finally leaving out of there. "This will be fun," I whisper to myself, leaving the building, and drive back home.

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