Sleep Over!!

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Camila's POV

"Me and Camila...." Lauren says trailing off.

"Are dating," I finished her sentence.

Michael and Clara look at us. Chris is surprised and Taylor is trying not to burst of happiness.

"Sweetie is this true?" Clara asks, looking at Lauren and she just nods.

"Well, I knew this was gonna happen," Mike says happily. "But if you hurt her I will come after you," Mike says pointing his finger at Lauren.

Lauren laughs smiling at her dad. "I won't papa," She says, interlacing her fingers again with mine. "And if I do I will kill myself for doing something stupid like that," Lauren says, smiling at me.

"Camila, why don't you stay the night?" Taylor asks.

I smile at her getting up going to her side. "Of course Taylor, sleepover?" I ask.

"Yes, yes girl!" Taylor says jumping up and down with me.

Lauren clears her throat getting our attention. "Forgetting someone?" She asks.

"Oh yes, Dinah!" I say making Lauren roll her eyes.

"Dinah?" Taylor asks.

"One of my friends she's is amazing. Perfect for a sleepover!" I state. "Also my two other friends," I continue.

"Yes call them!" Tay says. "I'll get everything ready," Taylor says running upstairs.

"Well, I guess we should go to sleep," Lauren's parents say.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Jauregui always a pleasure to see you, Mr. Jauregui," I said hugging them.

"Mike," Michael says.

"Clara," Lauren's mom says making me laugh.

"Ok Clara... Mike" I say and they smile, going upstairs.

"Well I guess I'll go to sleep," Chris says.

"You don't have to," I say and he looks at me. "We got more guys coming to this party," I say.

We wait a couple of minutes and soon hear the doorbell ring. Me, Taylor, Chris, and Lauren already have everything set up in the living room.

I go to open it and smile. "Cheechee!" I say excitedly.

"Chancho!" Dinah says hugging me. "Where's the Jauregui fam?" She asks.

"Lauren and her siblings are in there," I say pointing to the living room

"Did I hear my name?" Lauren asks, popping her head out.

I smile at her, "No idiot."

"I did shut up," She says walking over to us.

Me and Lauren greet the rest and go to the living room. Chris and Taylor greet them all Taylor, Normani, and Ally immediately getting in a conversation.

"It was really hard to find this address should have thought it would be a rich neighborhood," Dinah says.

"It's a Jauregui house so you should have," I say making Dinah laugh. "I guess Taylor is like you," I say pointing at Normani, Ally, and Tay having a conversation, smiling and laughing.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asks confused.

"You got along with Dinah really well," I say and she smiles.

"And Shawn," Lauren says.

"Wait when?" I asked surprised making her laugh.

"Cause we never told you," Shawn says across the room.

"Shut up boy," I say back making him laugh.

"Told you," Lauren says.

"Shut up," I said, punching her arm lightly.

"Ouch," She says but smiles at me and I cross my arms.

"Guys can we do something I'm bored!" Tay complains making us laugh.

"What do you wanna do Tay?" I ask.

"Camila let's do something," Tay says and I laugh.

"What?" I ask.

"Come," She says waving me over "Shawn is hot, is he single?" She whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, he Is," I whisper back.

"Should I go for it?" She whispers.

"You like him?" I whisper with a smile.

"Yeah I mean he's cute and everything and really nice," Tay whispers.

"Then go for it," I whisper.

"He's your best friend," She whispers.

"He is but I wouldn't mind," I whisper and she smiles at me pulling me in a hug.

"Hey, Shawn!" Tay goes and sits next to Shawn.

"Hi Taylor," Shawn says hugging her.

"So like I really want to get to know you," Tay says and Shawn widens his eyes and looks at me.

I give him a thumbs up and he looks at me if it's ok. I just nod mouthing I will talk with him about it.

A couple of more minutes pass and we are having to much fun. I yawn sitting on the couch, my head on Dinah's lap as we are playing a game of Just Dance. It's Chris against Shawn and it's really funny. Chris is cussing at the game and Shawn can't dance well, at least not as good as Chris can.

"What how did Shawn win he can't even dance what the fuck," Chris says making us laugh.

"Snooze you lose man," Shawn says. "Good game," He says bro hugging Chris.

"Lauren and Normani you're up," Dinah says eating her chips.

"Ow, what the fuck Dinah?" I said wiping a chip crumb that fell on me, almost getting in my eye.

"Oops, sorry baby waltz," She says running her hand through my hair. "You want one?" She asks and I shake my head.

I look over and see Lauren and Normani already started the competition. Normani is totally beating Lauren and when it finishes Lauren cusses at the game.

"Is cussing at games when you lose a Jauregui thing?" I ask laughing and Lauren gives me a death glare.

"Your gonna pay for it, get over here," Lauren says and I immediately get up running around the sofa.

"Lauren stop I swear if you tickle me," I said and she smirks at me.

"What will you do?" She asks, walking over and I go the other direction from her.

"I'll leave," I let out, "With your car" I finish.

"Do it then, here's the keys," She says throwing them at me. 

I pick them up smiling dramatically at her. "Thanks, I'll just leave, bye," I smile walking to the door. I feel Lauren's hand grab my arm and I smirk.

"Don't go," She whispers pulling me close to her body her, breathing hitting my lips

"And you'll do what?" I whisper, running a finger across her define jawline as she watches every movement.

"I-I don't know," She stutters nervously.

"Then I'll just go to sleep," I say walking back into the living room.

I lay my head back on Dinah's lap. Lauren puts a blanket over me and kisses my forehead. "Goodnight baby girl," She whispers.

"Goodnight idiot," I smile turning around and she chuckles. 

Soon we all fall asleep due to how tiring that night was.

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