Bachelor Party (Troy)

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Shawn's POV

Today is Troy's bachelor party. Me and Chris have been setting this party up for a month and everything is already planned out.

We all wake up eating breakfast. For the last month, we have been in Paris staying at Lauren's house that her parents own.

"Morning," I said coming down the stairs.

"Where's Laur and Mila they haven't come down?" Ally asks.

"Do you want to check on them?" I ask.

"Oh oh no," Ally says waving her hands in front of her making us laugh. "I'll rather wait," She says.

"Lauren, stop!" We hear.

Then we hear fast footsteps coming down the stairs. "Lauren get away," Camila says running into the dining room.

"I don't bite come," Lauren says.

"Yes you do, look," Camila says showing her neck.

"Come over here you can't just leave me like that," Lauren says and Camila smirks.

"Like what?" She teases Lauren, playing dumb.

"I hate you," Lauren murmurs.

"Oh ok," Camila says walking up to Lauren. "Are you still aroused?" Camila whispers but we can hear it.

"What do you think?" Lauren says placing her hands on her waist pulling Camila close.

"Let's eat breakfast," Camila says after pecking her lips.

"I want to eat something different for breakfast," Lauren whines.

"Lauren," Camila growls slapping her shoulder. "It's Ally's day, not yours, you can wait later," Camila says making Lauren pout.

"Fine," Lauren says sitting down.

The butler comes and sets a plate of breakfast in front of them both.

"Ready?" I say getting up and they all look at me. "Idiots," I murmur. "Bachelor party," I said to the guys.

"Oh!" They say and I facepalm myself.

"Justin, Charlie, Liam, Zayn, Chris let's go," I said and they get up.

"We have to get everything else ready," I said putting my hat ready. "We will be back Troy in the afternoon," I smile. "Later girls!" I wave goodbye and we walk out.

After an entire morning and some of the afternoon planning, we all get back home getting ready.

I put on an orange jacket with a black shirt under, black skinny jeans, and black boots. I fix my hair looking at myself in the mirror.

"Looks good," I whisper to myself walking downstairs.

"There's my main man," Troy says making me laugh.

"Looking good Mendes," Ally smiles stretching put.

"Thanks, Ally," I said with a smile. "Have a good night girls!" I said and we guys leave. "Alright, Troy let's go eat dinner at the diner," I smile and he nods.

We all go to my car, getting in. We all are having fun laughing and talking. We ordered fries, burgers, and shakes to eat.

"Ok ok," I said clicking my glass of milkshake. "How about we go out to a club?" I ask and they all cheer. "Let's go!" I cheer.

We pay the bill soon finding ourselves in a club drinking and laughing. I wonder how the girls are doing, I thought.

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