Beach Day

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Lauren's POV

I wake up the next morning to noises. I hear people talking in the kitchen and I get up. I walk in the whole group looks at me.

"You finally woke up," Camila says with a beautiful smile.

"How did you change?" I ask as she hands me a plate of food.

"Shawn went to get us all clothes," She says.

"Ok," I say giving her cheek a kiss.

"Oh um babe," Camila says and I hum. "We were planning to go to the beach today," She says interlacing her fingers with mine.

"Sure," I say with a smile.

"Great finish up so we can pack stuff," She says happily.

Once we packed everything needed, changed, we head to separate cars. Me and Camila in mine. Shawn, Dinah, Ally, and Normani in Shawn's car. Finally Chris and Taylor in Chris's car. We finally arrive and I help Camila out of the car as well with all the bags we brought.

We all get to a spot and I take off my denim shorts then the tank top I was wearing. I'm wearing black panties and a white, black bra. Camila is wearing a black bra with matching panties that have a knot to keep it up.

"Laur!" Tay calls me and I hum. "Let's go!" She says excited Chris beside her.

"Ok, I'm going!" I call back.

I adjust my sunglasses on my face standing up.

"Babe wait," Camila says pulling my arm.

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking down at her.

"Have you put sunscreen"? She asks and I nod.

"Good now put me some," She says handing me the bottle making me laugh.

"Go ahead without me," I tell Taylor and she nods leaving with the rest of the group.

Shawn's POV

I stay back to rest a little and I look over to see Lauren and Camila.

"Well that's so couple goals," I said, sitting up.

Lauren looks at me laughing. "Hey Camilita," I say and Camila groans waving at me.

"Your good," Lauren says to Camila slapping her ass making me laugh.

"Hi, best friend," Lauren says hugging me.

"Not fair," Camila speaks.

"What?" I ask.

"Both of you have defined muscles and I don't," She pouts.

Camila really isn't lying both me and Lauren go to the gym. We have a defined stomach, strong legs, and arms making any girl come running to us.

"I told you to go to the gym Camilita," I say laughing and she pouts.

"Y'all ready to go?" I ask and Lauren helps Camila up.

We go into the water where the group is. I'm standing with Lauren, having a conversation as I fiddle with my headband.

"Hi, Shawn," Tay says her hand on my chest.

"Hey, Tay," I say looking down at her biting my lip.

Yesterday after the group fell asleep I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom. Taylor woke up and we talked a little getting to know each other than out of nowhere we shared a kiss.

I found out that Tay likes me and, to be honest, I do too. Lauren looks at us and I look down at Tay kissing her lips. Lauren widens her eyes to then Camila come to her side.

"Baby baby," She says following her gaze and sees me kissing Taylor. "Shawn!" She says jumping up and down.

I laugh and pull away. "Shut up Mila," I say throwing her some water.

"Hey," She whines.

I wrap my arm around Taylor's waist and she leans her head against my shoulder holding my hands.

"God y'all are cute," Camila says turning to Lauren. "Babe take that face off," Camila giggles.

Lauren smiles at her, kissing her lips lightly.

Camila's POV

"This is a shocker Tay," Lauren says holding on to me.

I wrap my arms around her neck and she looks down at me smiling.

"Well it is recent were taking things slow," Taylor says smiling.

"I ship" I mumble against Lauren's neck.

"You shut up, you knew about this didn't you," Lauren says.

"Yeah I did, what are you gonna do about it?" I ask challenging her.

She smirks and lifts me up. "Lauren stop let me down!" I whine.

"You challenged me, you get a challenge," She says and throws me in the water.

I come back up and hear the group laughing.

"Babe, what is this?" Lauren asks picking up what I had in my hand.

I get up running my hand through my hair flipping it to one side. "A coconut," I smile.

Lauren nods smiling at me. "You want help opening it?" She asks and I nod excitedly.

We get back onshore cracking open the coconut. I drink the liquid inside it not caring as it fell all over my body, between my breasts mostly. Honestly, that's great cause I know it will drive Lauren crazy.

Once I finish drinking every drop I look down at Lauren who's sitting with a smile.

"You liked it?" I whisper close to her lips.

"Loved it," She says connecting our lips. She wraps one arm around me laying me down. She climbs on top of me.

I cup her cheek and she rubs lightly on me. I moan taking me out of orbit.

We just stay there moving our lips in perfect sync. We pull away and I totally forgot we were at the beach, with the group. They whistle making me blush. We spend a couple more hours there until the sun is totally set down. We got some food from a close fast-food.

We said goodbye to Chris and Taylor as me and Lauren head back to my apartment with the group. The group stays in the living room as we all one by one go to shower.

Obviously, me and Lauren showering together since I have two restrooms. I put on a black bra with black panties with white lace detail. A knot holding it all together with Lauren's sweater to keep me warm.

Lauren looks at me with a familiar look in her eyes. I nod and she smiles standing up. Silently without the group noticing, we sneak into my room

"God I've been wanting to have you all to myself," Lauren whispers closing the door.

I wrap my arms around her neck, smiling at her, "Same here." That's the last thing I say as she catches my lips with hers.

She kisses me with so much love combined with want, lust, and desire. She guides me to my bed laying me down very gently. "I love how hot you look with my clothes," She whispers against my lips. She kisses my pulse point with enough pressure.

I hold onto her neck moaning with want. "I want you," I whisper making her smirk.

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