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Lauren's POV

I finish eating dinner that night and stand up with Taylor. "We will be back babe," I said and Camila nods with a smile. I walk Taylor a little far away from Camila. "Hey, Tay can you distract Mila while I prepare something?" I whisper.

"Sure Laur," Taylor says.

"Thanks," I say with a smile.

Taylor hugs me and I smile. Once she leaves I start to get to work.

I get some items and silently go open the front door. Luckily Camila's apartment isn't very high up. It's just one floor from the lobby. I go down and fix everything by the pool. Once everything is fixed I go back up fast and quietly so I don't get caught. I close the door quietly.

I go into the kitchen and give Tay a look that I'm ready.

"Well I'll be going to sleep," Taylor says standing up. "Love you, Camila, goodnight," She says hugging her. "Night Lauren," She says hugging me.

I hug her tight and she smiles wrapping her arms tight around me.

"I love you, Lauren," Taylor says.

I smile at her and she kisses my cheek. "Well," I say with a smile and Camila stands up. "You look so tired," I said, cupping Camila's cheeks.

"I am," She says and I wrap my arms around her.

She wraps her arm around my torso making me smile.

"How about," I say pulling away a little, cupping her face, "We go for a swim," I whisper.

"It's a night out," Camila whispers her hot breath hitting my lips.

"I'll protect you," I whisper inching even closer if possible.

"Fine," She gives in making me smile.

"Come on," I say. I go and grab some towels and walk out with her. We go down to the lobby. I wrap my arms around Camila's waist hugging her from behind

"Babe," She growls lowly making me laugh.

"I'm sorry I just love your big ass," I whisper in her ear-biting her ear lobe.

We arrive at the pool and she stops. "What is all this?" Camila asks.

"Oh um," I say walking in front of her. "I set it up," I say with a smug smirk.

"When?" Camila asks.

"Couple minutes ago," I smile.

"How?" Camila asks.

"Oh my god why with the questions," I groan and she smiles. 

"I'll stop," Camila says wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Let's skinny dip," I suggest and she looks at me.

"Are you serious Lolo?" Camila says and I take my shirt off.

"Serious," I said and she just looks at me. I take off my denim shorts then my panties and finally my bra. "You're coming or not?" I ask.

"No," She says crossing her arms and I look at her.

"Suit your self," I shrug and dive in.

Camila's POV

Lauren swims around and I sit on a pool chair close to the pool.

"Come on babe your not coming in?" Lauren asks, resting her arms on the side of the pool.

"No" I repeat again and she stares at me with those piercing green eyes. "Fine!" I give in and she smiles. I take my clothes off and I feel her eyes on me. "Like what you see," I say shaking my ass.

"Hmmm," Lauren says and I turn around. "Love what I see," Lauren says and winks at me.

I dive in and come back up. "Oh my fucking god it's cold," I shiver.

"I'll keep you warm," Lauren says hugging me from behind.

I rest my hands on top of hers and I arch my head back.

Lauren attaches her lips on my neck sucking it. She kisses up and finally reaches my lips. I moan once our lips seal. I feel a tingly feeling in between my hips making me squeeze my legs together. I feel Lauren's hands start to roam. I feel her squeeze both my breasts making me moan louder.

I feel her wet lips start kissing down. One of her hands cup my center. She plunges her middle finger in without giving a warning.

"You fucking bitch," I almost moan out.

"What?" She mumbles against my skin.

"You didn't give a warning," I whisper and she laughs sending vibrations throughout my body. "Your gonna make me cum," I state.

"Already?" Lauren mumbles.

"Like this definitely," I moan out. I tighten around Lauren's digit moaning.

She bites down harshly on my neck and that throws me off the edge. I feel myself release my hot liquid and Lauren moans.

I turn around and she pulls me closer.

"Your so fucking sexy," Lauren says.

"Thanks," I smile playing with her ear.

She pulls away and I look at her. "What are you doing?" I say once she gets out.

"I," Lauren says going to her shorts. "Have something," She says taking something out, hiding it from me. "Come out" Lauren demands.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I told you," Lauren says.

"I love how your bossy," I confess, getting out.

She pulls me close, kissing my lips. "Camila," Lauren says holding onto my waist. "You have changed me a lot," Lauren says. "I knew since the beginning it was wrong with me to just leave you as a one night stand," She continues. "But I was afraid, I was afraid because in that one night you gave me this feeling that I have never felt before," Lauren says pausing for a little.

"I was afraid to fall in love again because when I fell in love once that one cheated on me with my own brother," Lauren whispers.

"I'll never cheat," I cut in.

"I know you won't, which is why I want to ask you this," Lauren says pulling away. She kneels down on one knee and I cover my mouth.

"Camila Cabello will you..." Lauren trails off and I feel a tear roll down. "Will you marry me?" She asks and I feel another tear.

"Lauren...." I trail off.

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