Sex Room

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Lauren's POV

"Let's not do it here," I whisper.

Camila looks at me confused and I just stand up.

"I have a place we can," I say with a smirk.

We sneak out of Camila's apartment so the group doesn't see us. We arrive at my cabin close to the beach right where my beach house is. This place is really just a place so I can have some peacetime.

"Where are we Lauren?" She asks, making me smile.

"My cabin," I respond simply.

We get out of the car opening the cabin door. It's very luxurious as well it has a bottom floor and a top.

"This place is where we can be alone," I whisper in her ear. "You wanna see the room," I say with a smirk.

We go upstairs and I take my keys out opening the bedroom door. Her expression was priceless. This room we are in now is my sex room. When you enter it there's white curtains with a small round table with a flower pot. A bed with a place to sit along with it.

Off to the side, there's a bathtub with a picture of a revolver with a black and white camo floor. The carpet is red and beside the bed there are lamps. Along with the walls they are also red matching the carpet also with matching furniture.

"Wow," Camila gasps.

"You like it?" I whisper in her ear running my hands down her arms slowly.

"It's unbelievable," She says.

I smirk pushing her hair to the side. "Well, this is our place, our sex room," I whisper kissing her pulse point putting enough pleasure.

She moans reaching her hand back holding my neck.

I unbutton her denim shorts pulling them down. I take my sweater off her leaving her with just panties from earlier and a bra.

"You don't know what you cause in me," I whisper. I wrap my arms around her waist and she holds my hands tilting her head to one side as I rest my chin on her shoulder.

We just stand there looking out at the view we get from the beach a couple of blocks from here. She turns in my arms smiling at me.

"I want you," Camila whispers, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Your wish is my command," I said, guiding her to the bed. I lay her down gently taking my shirt off.

She smiles as I lay on top of her taking her lips into a fierce kiss. Her hands go on my back un-clasping my bra taking it off me. I move my lips to her pulse point sucking on it. She digs her nails on my shoulder in pulsing me to continue.

I moan escapes her mouth and I skillfully take her bra off. I trail down her body kissing and biting. Once I get down to her panties I quickly undo the knot throwing the panties across the room. I look up at her as I release a puff of warm air on her throbbing center.

"God... Lauren... Please," She begs making me smirk.

I go back up her body kissing her beloved lips. I massage on her breasts rubbing against her. I move down taking one of her nipples circling it with my tongue. She arches her neck, a moan escaping from it. I give the same pleasure to her other breast moving back down.

I kiss her center making her hips buck up.

"Lauren... " She whispers with a mismatch breathing.

"What?" I whisper.

"Please baby... Don't tease," She says and I kiss her center again putting enough pressure.

I start to massage her clit. She tangles her fingers in my hair pushing me where she wanted me the most.

I separate her slick folds licking and sucking.

"Your so wet," I whisper making her smile. I plunge in one finger moving it slowly so she can get used to its preference. I slowly start getting faster and faster making her move her hips with my fingers.

A moan escapes my throat as I feel her tighten around my fingers.

"Fuck," She says making me smirk.

"Lauren... I'm gonna cum," She whispers with a mismatch breath "Cum baby, cum," I encourage her, and she releases all her hot liquid on my fingers.

I help her out of her orgasm and I slowly crawl to meet her face. I kiss her lips gently and she smirks at me.

"What are you thinking?" I ask making her smirk even bigger.

"I want to top," She says making me smile.

"No," I say embracing her in my arms.

"Please," She whines and I kiss her lips.

"One day," I say making her smile.

"Camila," I say and she hums as she plays with my necklace. "You are the best in me," I whisper looking down at her.

Camila looks up in my eyes and I swear I saw something in her eyes screaming that she wants to tell me something.

"You are too Lauren," She says.

At that moment all I wanted to do is tell her 'I love you.' I caress her hair kissing it to soon fall asleep.

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