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Camila's POV

We finish cleaning everything up when Ally and Troy walk up to us.

"We are set and ready," Ally says.

"I'll miss you Allycat," I smile hugging her.

"I'll miss you too Mila," Ally says hugging me back.

"Have a nice honeymoon," Lauren says coming up behind me.

She wraps her arms around my waist kissing my shoulder. "We have to go home, pack our stuff and go back to Miami," Lauren whispers, kissing my pulse point

"Yeah," I said and she smiles at me

"I'll get your bag," Lauren says kissing my cheek and leaving.

The rest of the group comes and bids them goodbye. In a blink, we already packed everything and ready to leave Paris. I feel someone massage my shoulders and I close my eyes relaxing into her touch.

"Plane is ready," Lauren whispers.

I turn around, her hair waving in the cold night air. "I'll miss it," I frown.

"I know baby," Lauren says with a smile. "I'll bring you back," She says.

"Promise?" I said holding my pinky up.

"Promise" Lauren smiles, sealing our fingers and kisses them. "Let's go," She says.

"I love you," I whisper kissing her lips lightly.

"I love you too baby," Lauren says.

We get into the plane and soon we take off.

8 hours later...
Back in Miami...

I wake up the next morning feeling movement all around me

"Camila," I hear Lauren's voice but I go back to sleep.

Lauren's POV

I see that Camila doesn't wake up and I sigh. I pick her up swinging her over my shoulder. I carry her to the car and smile at the driver. He drives the group to their home then drives me, Camila, Taylor back to our apartment.

I open the door setting Camila down on the couch. "I'll go get the bags," I whisper to Taylor and she nods. "Prepare breakfast," I smile. I go back outside, the wind blowing my hair. I carry the bags inside and close the door. "She's still not awake," I whisper.

"No," Taylor says walking in, handing me a plate of food.

I put the plate on the coffee table and kneel down next to Camila. "Baby," I whisper, lightly touching her face.

Camila stirs, opening her eyes lightly.

"Those are the brown eyes I love so much," I whisper with a smile

"Morning," Camila mumbles. "What time is it?" She asks.

"A little past ten o'clock," I respond.

"Let me go get ready," Camila says sitting up, stretching.

After a couple of minutes, she comes back out eating breakfast with me and Taylor.

"Well," I speak up.

"Time for you to go back to college," I say and Taylor whines

"Do I have to?" She asks pouting.

"Yes, you do," I said, laughing.

"Come on, I'll tell the driver to drive you there," I said.

"Ugh fine," Taylor says.

She takes a little while getting ready, grabs her bag, and says goodbye to me and Camila. I smile turning to Camila when she closes the door.

"Now were by ourselves," I whisper.

She smiles cupping my cheek wrapping her other arm around my shoulder.

"And we're back home," I said and kiss her lips.

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