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Camila's POV

After our date the next day we told all of my friends that me and Lauren are official. I just got off work a couple of hours ago and I'm just in my bedroom. Lauren is next to me on her phone texting

"Who you texting babe?" I ask and she looks at me smiling.

"Just my sister, see," She says holding up her phone so I can see. "She wants to meet you," Lauren says looking at me.

"Have you told your me and dad?" I ask.

"No I haven't," Lauren says.

"When are you telling your parents?" She asks.

"Depends, they are always busy," I said.

"Oh ok," Lauren says getting up "I'm going to the restroom babe, be right back," She says walking into the restroom. She comes out a couple minutes later laying back down.

"Took you a little bit longer," I say sitting up.

"I ordered some pizza," Lauren says laughing.

"Yayyyy" I scream sitting on Lauren's lap.

"When is it getting here?" I ask and Lauren checks her phone.

"30 minutes from now," She says smiling when I pout.

"Not fair," I said getting off Lauren's lap.

I feel her interlace her fingers with mine pulling me towards her. I lay my head on her chest watching the movie on the TV. Thirty minutes later we hear the doorbell ring and Lauren gets up to answer it. She comes back with the box of pizza and some drinks

"Eat up my baby Camz," She says sweetly and I blush.

"Come," I said patting the spot next to me.

Lauren sits down setting the box down. "Shit I forgot plates," She says getting up but I grab her arm.

"It's ok," I say and Lauren nods sitting back down.

We watch the movie eating our pizza and I look over at her admiring all her beautiful features. How much luck do I have to have ever met this woman sitting next to me.

I don't know how much I've been staring because she begins to talk.

"Camz," She says waving her hand in front of my face.

"Sorry," I say shyly blushing.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing just thinking," I say.

"About?" Lauren asks putting her pizza down on the box.

"How lucky I am to have ever met you," I say making Lauren blush.

She looks at me and grins at me. "Your so cute baby," Lauren says cupping my cheek.

"I'm so lucky to ever met you too," She says and I hold her wrist. "You make me happy," She whispers kissing my lips lightly.

I don't know but somehow I wanted to say 'I love you' right there but I couldn't it's too early to say it now.

"Camila," Lauren whispers catching my attention. "I... I l.. Ne... Never mind," Lauren stutters, shaking her head as to try to get rid of a thought or what she was about to say. She goes back to where she was and keeps eating her pizza.

Once we finished we put an episode of Friends. I move the pizza box to the floor scooting closer to Lauren.

Lauren wraps her arms around my shoulder and I drape an arm across her define stomach. Lauren starts a slow caress on my side kissing my forehead making me smile. I yawn and look up to make sure Lauren didn't see it because I don't want this to end.

This is Lauren's soft side again and I want to enjoy it as much as I can.

"What?" Lauren speaks up, smiling.

"Nothing," I whisper, smiling weakly at her. I yawn again and Lauren chuckles lightly.

"Tired bane?" She says and I nod "Wanna sleep?" Lauren smiles.

"No!" I whine.

Lauren laughs lightly still caressing my side. She lays on top of me turning me around pausing the show. Lauren kisses my lips lightly and I reciprocate weakly.

She smiles pulling away. "Let's go to sleep," Lauren whispers taking her hoodie off, handing it to me.

I take it putting it on. She lays down next to me and I immediately, cuddling up to her. She looks down at me lifting my chin giving me a light kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight babe," She whispers.

"Goodnight Lolo," I yawn, falling into a deep sleep.

Lauren's POV

I stay awake looking up at the ceiling thinking how my life really turned around. I met the most beautiful woman in the world inside, out. Right now she's laying in my arms in a deep sleep. I smile looking down at her starting a very slow caress on her arm cautious not to wake her.

I smile to myself and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Camila really changed my life she showed me that fucking around with so many girls was wrong. Showing me that someone really does care about me and loves me. I promised myself not to get involved with someone but she conquered me.

"I love you," I whisper, "One day I'll tell you when you're awake. You deserve everything, my love, " Kissed her forehead lightly, to then fall asleep.

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