Setting Up Together

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Camila's POV

I get up extra early due to Mr. Jauregui's request the other day. I enter the building and set my things down on my desk. I straighten my dress and knock on Mr. Jauregui's office door. I hear him say come in and I enter. I see Lauren there and we meet eyes and she stands up.

"Good morning," She says and pulls me into a hug.

I breathe in her scent and hug her back. "Good morning," I say.

"Ladies have a seat," Mike says and we sit down. "Ok Camila so this might be a late notice but I need you to do something."

"Sure sir," I said.

"Do you know the field that's a couple of blocks down from here?" He asks and I nod. "I need you to set up decorations and get a stage," He says and I nod standing up.

"Sure, what for?" I ask.

"It's a singing festival, raising money for a children's care," He says and I smile.

"Can I go?" Lauren asks.

"Sure Laur you can help Ms. Cabello," Mike says and Lauren stands up again.

"Let's go Camz!" She says excitedly and I smile.

I wave at Mike and exit with Lauren. I get my things and we walk to the elevator. Once the doors shut I turn to her "Camz?" I say and she blushes.

"It's my nickname for you hope you don't mind," She says shyly and I nod. "I don't like Mila, plus I wanna feel special," She says and the elevator doors open and we get out.

"Who says you were special too, me?" I ask.

"Ouch," She fake gasps. She opens the entrance door for me and I smile at her.

"I can tell I am," She says and I arch my eyebrow.

"How?" I ask looking over at her.

"The look," She says.

"What look?" I ask and she chuckles.

"You are so confused aren't you?" She says and I nod.

We stop when arriving at her car and she looks at me.

"Tell me," I say and she walks over to me.

"This look" She whispers and I arch my eyebrow.

"Your eyes, shining bright brown" She whispers and I smile.

"Your eyes are light too," I whisper.

"That's because you are special to me and I can show you," She says and I smile.

"Show me then" I whisper and she smirks at me.

She pulls me even closer to her and cups my cheek and I hold her wrist. She connects her lips with mine and I smile into the kiss. Lauren moves her lips slowly against mine and I quickly reciprocate.

I wrap my arms around her neck and Lauren's hands start a caress on my sides. I moan into her mouth and she smiles pulling away slowly.

"Let's go Camz," She says unlocking her car and opening the door for me. Once I get in she runs to the driver's side and starts the car.

A couple of hours later everything is set up and Lauren has called her dad. We see him park and get out of his car.

"Everything is ready sir," I smile and he nods.

"We got some people singing but it's not enough, ugh," He says and his temple.

I arch my eyebrow, "Who are some people that are singing?" I ask and he looks up, smiling.

"Shawn, Dinah, Normani, Ally, Justin, Charlie, Niall, Liam, Zayn, Bazzi and that's it," He says.

"I can sing," I said and he smiles.

"You can?" He asks happily and I nod.

"Oh my god thank you, Camila," He says and pulls me into a hug.

"No problem," I say and pull away.

Lauren looks at us with pure happiness. "I can sing dad," Lauren says and Mike smiles.

"Thanks, Laur, I know you love to sing," He says and Lauren pulls him into a hug.

"No problem dad, I won't let you down," Lauren says.

"I know you won't," Mike smiles.

He leaves to talk to the employees there and I walk to Lauren. "You never told me you can sing," I said and she chuckles.

"You don't know a lot of things but you will I promise," Lauren says and smiles at me.

"Well, we will see how tonight turns out," I say and she nods.

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