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Camila's POV

"We are moving in," Lauren says.

My jaw drops and I look at the both of them. "We?" I let out.

"Yeah," Lauren says touching my shoulder lightly. "You don't mind?" She asks.

"Of course not, but... But... Taylor," I stutter.

"She didn't want to be alone," Lauren explains.

"Doesn't she have Chris?" I ask simply.

"Well no because Chris is moving in with her," She says.

I just nod and sit on the couch. "Make yourselves feel at home then," I said with a smile.

"Thanks, babe," Lauren smiles, kissing my cheek. "Taylor," Lauren speaks to the younger girl. "Pick your room and I'll pick mine," Lauren says making me smile.

The entire afternoon I helped Lauren and Taylor settle in.

"God I'm tired," Lauren says collapsing on the couch.

"Well," I said sitting on the little space she left. "Let's eat dinner and relax," I smile caressing her tummy.

She smiles at me, lightly kissing my lips.

Taylor clears her throat and I blush. "Sorry," I mumble and Taylor just simply smiles.

"It's ok," She says. "It's cute," Taylor continues making me blush once again.

We hear the doorbell ring and I arch my eyebrow. I look over at Lauren but she just shrugs her shoulders.

I get up opening the door seeing Dinah, Ally, Normani, and Shawn at the other side.

"Hey Cheech," I said hugging her.

"Waltz, hi," She says.

"Can we come in?" Ally asks and I smile at her, stepping aside.

They sit on the couch greeting Lauren and Taylor.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"Um, I know this might be unexpected," Shawn speaks up.

"But can you come with us to Paris?" Dinah asks.

"Wait why?" I ask confused.

"We um gotta help plan an event," Ally says.

"What type of event?" I ask curiously.

"Fine, me and Troy are getting married!" Ally says excitedly making my eyes widen. "He asked me last night and you know how much time we have liked each other," Ally explains.

"Oh my god Ally congrats!" I smile, hugging her.

"He didn't give me an engagement ring but he did ask me to marry him," She explains excitedly.

"Sure sure, when?" I ask.

"Like in 2-4 months so we can plan everything," Ally says making me smile.

"Then it is," I smile.

"Bring Lauren," She says.

"What?" Lauren says popping her head out from the kitchen.

"Nothing babe," I say and she blows me a kiss. "Also I gotta bell you something," I said

"Tell us," Normani says.

"Lauren moved in," I smile.

"Finally" Dinah let's out making me smile.

"We been wanting her too," Shawn says.

"Well not just her Taylor too," I smirk.

"Even more perfect!" Dinah smiles.

"Wait my baby is here?" Shawn asks making me nod.

"Hold up what?" Taylor says coming into the room. "Shawn!" She says hugging him.

"Hey, babe!" Shawn says, hugging her back.

"Woah," Normani says. "Chill there love boy," She says making us laugh.

"What did I miss?" Lauren asks coming into the living room.

"Nothing babe," I said and she sits next to me.

"Woah when did this exist?" Lauren asks looking at Taylor and Shawn.

"Two days ago, after the beach" Shawn explains.

"Ok," Lauren nods. "But hurt her I'll hurt you, Mendes," Lauren warns, protectively.

I smile at how protecting she is. "Is dinner done, idiot?" I ask and she smiles.

"Yes let's go," Lauren says standing up.

We all eat dinner laughing and talking until the group says they will stay here for a sleepover.

We all watch a movie on Netflix. Lauren and me cuddling, Shawn and Taylor cuddling, Normani and Dinah cuddling, and Ally cuddling with a pillow and blanket. Soon the movie finishes. Everyone is ready asleep beside me, Lauren, Shawn, and Taylor.

"No funny business," Me and Lauren said at the same time.

Taylor and Shawn go to Taylor's room. Lauren and I go to our own rooms. I close my room door and sigh. I take a warm shower soon putting on one of Lauren's hoodies and white panties. I lay down turning the lamp off.

I hear the door open and I look to see Lauren walking in. "Can I?" She asks.

I just nod and she settles under the covers. I cuddle up to her side, soon falling asleep.

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