Bachelor Party (Camila)

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4 months later...
The Bahamas

Dinah's POV

It's finally the bachelor parties. I have been chosen as the bridesmaid and maid of honor for Camila and I can't be happier. I wake up with Normani beside making me smile. Once we get dressed up and ready we eat breakfast together.

"Where's the fiancee?" I ask.

"I think upstairs with the fiance," Shawn says.

"Okay I'll go get them," I said.

Camila's POV

Lauren kisses my pulse point with enough pressure making me moan. I run my hand up and down her back digging my nails into her shoulder when she bites my pulse point. Lauren grabs my face moving it to the side to give her more space.

She moves down my body that's completely naked because of last night. We are at The Bahamas my dream place to go to and I can't believe I'm going to get married here with the love of my life.

Lauren reaches my pussy and spreads my legs more. I feel her tongue on my clit pressing forward, putting pressure. We hear a knock at the door making her stop.

"Hey yo! Hurry up," I hear Dinah to then hear her footsteps walk away.

"Well," I said getting up.

"Ughhhh I hate that I have to be away from you tonight," Lauren whines.

"I know baby me too," I said, grabbing her chin, kissing her lips. "I fucking love you, baby," I whisper against her lips.

"I love you too," Lauren says, getting an in pulse to bite my lip but I back away.

Once we get dressed we go downstairs with the group. We sit down next to each other. We start eating and Dinah speaks up.

"So how you guys feeling?" She asks.

Lauren looks at me biting her lip. I smile at her and kiss her lips lightly.

"Happy and nervous," I answer.

"Why nervous?" Lauren asks, her eyebrow raised.

"Because," I said putting my fork down. "I can't believe I'm actually gonna spend the rest of my life with you," I said making her smile.

"Me too baby," She says making me smile.

I feel her interlace our fingers and I bite my lip. Once we finish breakfast couple hours pass.

"Alrighty," Shawn says. "We are ready to go," He says making me smile.

Shawn is going with Lauren along with Chris, Troy, Veronica, Alexa, Justin, Charlie, Liam, and Zayn.

"Alright, y'all ready?" Lauren asks, coming down stairs.

I look at her and bite my lip. She's wearing a black and red dress, a black choker, black and red stripped socks, dark red lipstick, finally black combat boots with heels. Lauren smiles at me making me smile.

"Ready," Shawn says making Lauren smile.

We meet eyes and we keep our eye contact for God knows how long. She winks at me finally leaving.

Once they leave Dinah cheers. "Okay, guys!" She says excitedly.

For me, I have Dinah, Normani, Ally, Ariana, Demi, Selena, Lauren's sister, Taylor, and Erika one of Lauren's friends.

"Ok so we are staying here," Dinah says. "We are having alcohol, movies, snacks, pizzas, drinks, play games, pillow fights, and all that shit," She says and we all cheer.

Couple hours in we finished almost all the snacks and watched several of movies.

"Alright girls," Dinah says. "Let's play Truth or Dare," She suggests and we all cheer.

We get the alcohol and sit in a circle.

"Okay okay first," Dinah says. "So if you choose truth you have to drink two shots," Dinah explains. "If you choose dare you drink one shot," She finishes.

"Okay, Camila, Truth, or, Dare?" Dinah asks me.

"Truth," I said taking the two shots.

"Have you and Lauren ever used sex toys?" She asks.

"Definitely yes," I said and they coo.

"Girl which type? Tell us," Normani says.

"Give us them juicy details mamacita," Dinah says making me laugh.

"Okay so we used handcuffs, blindfolds, strap ons, and a whip," I explain.

"Oh damn Jesus," Ally says covering her ears.

"Haha Allyson shut up," Dinah says making me laugh.

A couple of minutes later all of us already drunk and Dinah asks me again. "Ok... C... Camila Truth... O.. Or Dare?" She stutters.

"Tru... Truth" I stutter. I take two shots and Dinah hits me with a question.

"Ha... Have you ev... Ever to... Topped?" She asks

"Yes," I said.

"Ho... How many?" Tay, Lauren's sister stutters already drunk.

"T... Three times," I said

"Ohhhhhh!" The girls all scream making me laugh.

I wonder how Lauren is doing, I thought.

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