Wedding Morning (Camren)

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The next day...

Lauren's POV

Oh my god, today is the day I get married to Camila. I really cannot be happier because I'm gonna get married to the love of my life. I wake up with her naked body cuddled up to my side. I smile starting a caress on her back. I feel her wet lips kiss my pulse point making me smile.

I moan when she puts pressure on it. (Flashback on)

I finally arrive home and it's all silent. The crew and I go upstairs, saying good night, and going into our rooms. I open my room door and see it dimly lit by the moon's lighting.

I see Camila sleeping making me smile. I take my boots off and go into the restroom. Once I come back out I go into the closest to change. I pick a shirt and see the lamp turn on.

"Your home," Camila yawns rubbing her eyes sleepily. 

"Yeah," I said softly smiling at her. I go into the closet taking my clothes off. I put my shirt on and hear Camila's yawn close to me.

"Why are you putting a shirt on?" She asks and yawns.

"Why?" I ask turning to her after I grabbed my Adidas's joggers.

"You have no idea," She says, her voice getting huskier.

I look at her dumbfounded not only because I'm still drunk. She rolls her eyes dropping my joggers. She grabs the back of my neck pulling me into a kiss.

I place my hands on her hip, pulling her closer to me. I can smell a hint of alcohol in her breath meaning she's probably sober. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I carry her to the bed laying her down.

I lay on top of her and she pulls the hem of my shirt. I take it off quickly, kissing her neck afterward. I press my center with her's making her moan.

"God your so beautiful," I said going down her body.

I lift her shirt touching her tummy. I feel goosebumps form on her skin when my cool touch interacts with her skin. I kiss down her stomach making her gasp.

I sit her up taking her shirt off realizing she doesn't have a bra on.

"You have no bra," I said with a smile.

"Your so hot," Camila whispers.

I look at her meeting eyes. I bit my lip and look down at her breast. "I love these," I said kissing them.

(Flashback off)

And that's how our night went.

"Babe," Camila speaks up. 

"Hm," I hum.

"You zoned out," She says, laughing lightly.

"Sorry," I said making her smile.

"It's fine, what's on your mind baby?" She asks.

"Nothing, just flashback of last night," I said making her smile.

"You know," Camila says playing with my necklace. "Today is the day," Camila whispers making me smile.

"I know baby and I can't wait," I said. "Whoever thought I'll get married," I said with the biggest smile. "Especially with someone like you," I smile starting a caress on her side.

"I never thought I'll fall in love with my bosses daughter," Camila says making me bite my lip.

"I love you baby, so, so, much," I said pecking her lips.

"Did you do your vowel?" Camila asks.

Once she says that I quickly sit up. I stand up grabbing my bathrobe. I tie it and go into my drawer.

"What's wrong?" Camila asks massaging my shoulder.

I sigh, rubbing my face leaning against the drawer. "I forgot about my vowel," I said.

Camila smiles lightly rubbing my arm. "It's fine babe," Camila says smiling at me. "You have time," She says.

I turn around and smile at her. She wraps her arms around my torso and I wrap mine around her shoulders. I rock us back and forth once in a while kissing her forehead.

"Babe," She mumbles. Camila looks up at me and smiles. "I love you, so much, you have no idea how happy you make me," Camila says.

I cup her cheek, kissing her lips lightly. "I love you too baby, I have never felt this strong love before," I said making her bite her lip. "You're my everything baby girl," I said pecking her lips.

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