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3 months later...

Camila's POV

Three months have already passed planning Ally's wedding. Everything is almost ready for the day. I'm currently packing my bags, Lauren and Taylor doing the same in their rooms.

Since Lauren and Taylor moved in it has only been smiling, laughing, brightness in this house. Us three hang out all the time after Taylor got home from college and me from work. Lauren has only been the only one here at home for almost the entire time.

But what makes me the happiest is that she's trying her hardest to find a job. Lauren is very skillful, she can play the guitar and sing, she also knows how to paint, Lauren also knows how to write really well that she can for sure be a writer.

I hear a knock at my door.

"Knock knock," She says.

"Who's there?" I ask playfully making her smile.

"You ready?" Lauren asks, wrapping my waist with her arms.

I wrap her neck with my arms lightly kissing her lips. "Yeah, are you?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah," She says. "The suitcases are already in my dad's car," She mumbles.

"Let's go then," I said.

Lauren smiles picking up my two cases carrying them out to the car. The driver smiles at us opening the door so we can enter.

"Alfred go and pick up Camila's friends," Lauren commands.

"Yes ma'am," Alfred speaks formally.

Giving directions, we already arrived at Ally's apartment. We go to her floor soon knocking at her door.

Shawn opens the door smiling at us. "Your here," He says. "ALLY, DINAH, MANI, TROY, ARIANA, LET'S GO!" Shawn screams for them to come out.

They come out smiling at us bringing their cases.

"You need help with that?" Lauren asks towards Normani.

"Yes please," Normani begs, helpless.

Lauren smiles at her taking one of her cases.

"Lauren can you carry one of mine too," Dinah says.

"Sure," Lauren says. "Holy shit," Lauren says due to the weight of the case.

"Lauren," Ally speaks up. "Don't use those words together," Ally says making us laugh.

We carry their cases out to the car. Alfred soon pulls up to parking close to the gate. We get out getting all of our bags and cases.

"Thank you, Alfred," Lauren smile at the white-haired man.

"Your welcome ma'am have a good trip," He says.

"Let's go to my dad's private jet," Lauren says putting her Ray-ban sunglasses on. She walks us to her dad's private jet.

The pilot tips his hat smiling at us. "Ms. Jauregui," He says shaking Lauren's hand.

"Now Gerald I told you too just call me Lauren," She says with a smile.

We get all of our bags in with the help of Gerald. We get inside the private jet settling in.

"Paris here we come!" Ally says excitedly.

"Anyone want a drink?" Lauren asks.

"I do," Shawn chirps standing up.

They both get us drinks settling back in their seats.

Lauren wraps her arm around my shoulder kissing my cheek. "I love you," She whispers.

"I love you too baby," I smile, kissing her lips lightly.

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