Moving In

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Camila's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling cold. I check beside me and see Lauren is not next to me. I sigh hearing the shower running. I get up wrapping the bed sheet around my body. I walk to the bathroom dropping the sheet midway as I enter the restroom. I slide the shower curtain going inside.

Lauren is washing her hair not even noticing my preference. I hug her from behind and she sighs relaxing in my arms. She turns around wrapping my body with her arms kissing the top of my head.

"Good morning," She whispers.

"Morning," I mumble. "I'm I'm-" I speak.

"Shhhh," She shushes. "It's ok," Lauren says kissing the top of my head.

I look up at her smiling. She looks down at me stroking my wet hair. "Camila," Lauren says.

"Hm," I hum.

She sighs making me look up at her. "I love you," Lauren whispers making me smile.

I cup her cheek and look at her. "I love you too," I said, making her smile

"I was scared," She confesses.

"Don't be baby" I comfort her.

Once we are done showering I get ready for work. Lauren is wearing a sweater, ripped skinny jeans, and converse. I'm wearing a white dress with lots of details colored black.

Lauren's POV

I drop Camila off at work after kissing her goodbye. I sigh putting some soft music to make me relax. I told Camila that I loved her and thank God that she did too.

I drive to my parent's house taking the key out. I unlock the door, entering, and hear laughter in the living room. I see my siblings and Lucy sitting, laughing, and talking.

"Aren't you both suppose to be at school," I said in a stern voice.

"Lauren!" Taylor says hugging me.

"Why aren't you in college Tay?" I ask.

"I'm feeling a little bit uneasy I vomited this morning," She explains and my face softens.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked worriedly.

"A little bit better," She smiles and I hug her.

"I gotta go pack my stuff," I said simply.

"Wait why?" Tay asks.

"Well," I begin walking into the living room. "I can't deal seeing a snake face," I turn to Lucy.

"That girlfriend of yours put you that huh," Lucy says.

I just smile dramatically at her. "Well she was right yesterday," I said angrily. "She's way better than you ever were," I said going upstairs.

"Lauren," Taylor says walking upstairs with me.

I enter my room and look at her.

"Can I move in with you?" She asks nervously.

"It's Camila's apartment, not mine" I explain holding her hands.

"It's just," She begins. "I don't want to live here if you're not here," She says sadly making my heartbreak.

"Tay," I mumble.

"Chris says he's moving in with Lucy and," She was about to cry so I pull her into a hug.

"It's okay," I whisper. "You can come with me," I mumble stroking her hair.

"Thank you," She says making me smile.

"Well go pack and I'll drop you off at college and I'll carry your stuff in," I said smiling.

"Thanks, Laur!" She says hugging me once again.

I pack all my clothes, my laptop, guitar, all my pictures and everything necessary. I help Taylor load her things into my car. Soon I pull up to the college hugging Taylor goodbye. I drive back to Camila's apartment unlocking the door. I put all the cases in checking the time.

I go into the kitchen preparing some lunch. A couple of hours pass and I check the time seeing it's time to pick Tay up. I pull up to the college's parking lot, seeing Taylor and her friends come out.

I get out of the car, walking over and pull Taylor in a hug. "Ready?" I ask. "Let me carry that," I said taking her backpack.

"You have such a sweet sister Tay," A brunette says.

"She is the best," Taylor says hugging me.

"We have to go come on I have to pick Camila up," I declare.

Taylor says goodbye to her friends soon we are in front of Jauregui Incorporated. I see Camila come out with Dinah, Shawn, Normani, and Ally.

She smiles when she sees my car saying goodbye to them. She opens the door, surprised to see Taylor there.

"Hey, Tay!" She smile.

"Mila!" Taylor says excitedly. They hug making me smile

"I'm hungry," Camila confesses.

"Let's go home so we can make dinner," I smile.

We get back to the apartment unlocking the door.

"Who's cases are these?" Camila asks.

"Mine and Taylor's," I said simply setting the keys down on the table beside the door.

Camila looks at me making me grin.

"We are moving in," I smile.

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