Meeting The Jauregui Family

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Camila's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling cold. I look next to me and see that Lauren isn't there. I quickly sit up panicking. She couldn't have left, I thought. I get up checking my entire room and I sigh. I sit against the headboard of my bed staring down at my hands.

"Good morning," I hear her raspy voice.

"Morning," I murmur.

"You ok my love?" Lauren asks worriedly, sitting in front of me.

"I thought you left," I whisper.

Lauren frowns and takes my hand in hers. "Baby I wouldn't leave you, I told you this already," She whispers. "I got a phone call from my dad," Lauren says pulling out her phone to show me. "He says that my family wants to meet you," Lauren says and I look up. "As in my brother, sister, and mother," She says and I nod.

"I've seen your mother before," I confirm.

"Yeah well, I don't think she knows that your my dad's secretary,"
Lauren says making me laugh lightly.

"Your not wrong," I said making her smile at me, kissing my cheek. "When are we going?" I ask.

"Today baby girl, today," Lauren says and my eyes widen. "Chill its gonna be around dinner time my love," Lauren says making me smile.

A couple of hours pass and I'm already ready. Me and Lauren drive to her house the drive silent. Once we get there Lauren gets out running around the car to open my door. I smile at her taking her hand and she helps me out. I kiss her cheek making her blush interlacing our hands together. Lauren lifts one of her hands knocking on the door.

Lauren's POV

I knock at the door too soon Chris opening it. "Lauren," He says with a smile hugging me.

"Hey little brother," I said, hugging him back.

We pull away and he looks at Camila. "And who is this?" He asks.

"I'm Camila, Camila Cabello," Camila says politely with a smile

"Chris, Chris Jauregui," Chris says shaking her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jauregui," Camila says and Chris makes a disgusting face.

I chuckle and Camila looks at me. "Does none of your family members like me calling you guys that?" Camila asks, laughing.

"Maybe," I said, laughing.

Chris steps aside, letting us in. "TAY, LAUREN IS HERE!" Chris screams.

I see Taylor running downstairs almost tripping on the way down. "Laur!" Taylor says hugging me.

"Little sister," I smile, hugging her back. "I missed you, babe," I murmur, pulling away.

"I did too," She says. "Oh my god, Laur, who is this?" Taylor asks, looking at Camila. "You are absolutely beautiful," Tay says making Camila blush.

"Thank you, Ms. Jauregui," Camila says.

"Ew no save that for our parents," Tay says. "But nice, polite, sweet, caring, beautiful, formally," Tay says, "Perfect" Tay continues making me smile.

"Camila, sweetie," My dad says coming in.

"Hello Mr. Jauregui," Camila says hugging him.

"Ok, Camila how many times have I told you," Mike says chuckling.

"To call you Mike I know," Camila says smiling.

"Good," He says. "Now Camila I have seen you already met my beloved children," He says, "This is my wife, Clara," My dad says.

"Hello sweetie," My mom says hugging Camila taking her by surprise.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jauregui," Camila greets her.

"Call me Clara sweetheart," My mom says making Camila smile.

We walk to the dinner table where everything is already prepared. My dad is in front of us all like a good family man should. My mom across from him. Chris and Taylor on his right, me, and Camila to his left.

"Haven't I seen you before sweetheart?" My mom asks and Camila nods putting her fork down cleaning her mouth with a napkin.

"Yes you have Mrs. Jauregui," Camila says taking a drink of water, wetting her lips. She runs her tongue over them and I bite my lower lip. "I'm your husband's secretary," Camila states.

"Mike and you never told me," Clara says. "What did I tell you on having hot secretaries," My mom says making my dad laugh delightful.

"Ms. Cabello is amazing Clara she isn't like the others," Mike says.

Camila arches her eyebrow in confusion, "Like the others?"

"All the other secretaries tried to do something with my dad more than just work" I answer.

"Yeah and they got to meet me," My mom says proudly.

"Well, I fired them so," Mike says.

"And since they got fired I gave them some of the juice, and excitement they wanted," I say.

"Lauren," Everyone says.

"Sorry dad I wanted to give them a memorable night so I definitely did," I say. "Not that I'm saying you would dad I love you and mom," I continue.

"Good," Mike says in a stern voice.

The rest of the dinner goes amazing talking and laughing. Camila really seems to get along with my family. She already did with my dad but now seeing with my siblings and mother as well it's amazing.

"Should we tell them" Camila whispers in my ear.

"We should" I whisper back. "Family," I speak up and they direct all their attention to me and Camila.

"Me and Camila here have to tell you all something," I said holding Camila's hand from under the table.

"Go ahead sweetheart," Clara says and I smile at her. "Me and Camila..." I said trailing off.

"Dating," Camila finishes my sentence.


Jesus!! Ok so here's a chapter sorry for not uploading yesterday. I love you all!! Enjoy :)

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