Bachelor Party (Lauren)

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When I point out in the story play Mi Mala (Remix)

Shawn's POV

I have on a metallic silver button-up shirt, black pants with white lines on the side, and finally my black boots. We are currently going to one of the hottest Latino bars here in The Bahamas. We pull up and we all get out. We enter and go straight to the bar. I sit next to Lauren and wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"Enjoy yourself girl," I said with a smile.

"Thanks, Shawn," She says hugging me.

Lauren's POV

A couple of hours pass and I, along with the others are already drunk. A song starts to play and I smile. (Play song)

The beat starts and I turn around on my chair seeing people getting all hyped up. I see Veronica and Alexa rush to the dance floor making me laugh. I see them start dancing together.

Quien iba a pensar con la misma lengua
Estaría tocando tiembre en otra puerta

Quien iba a pensar que con mi billetera
Estaría comprando pan en otra tienda

No es tu asunto
Lo que yo haga por la calle
A ti te gusto mala

I see Veronica and Alexa walk up to me grabbing my hand.

"Come on let's dance," Veronica says.

"No it's...its... fine," I said.

"Come on La... Lauren enjoy yourself before you get ma... Married" Alexa slurs.

I sigh looking at the group on the dance floor. I take another shot and stand up.

"Come on," I said and they cheer.

We walk where the group is dancing.

que no eres sola
, ,
Y yo no soy solo
, ,

Pero nos tenemos
Ahí, ahí, ahí, ahí, ahí, ahí
Ahí, ahí, ahí

No me esperes
Que no si llego
Yo llego si me da la gana

Vos y yo dejemos claro el juego
Vos mi malo y yo tu mala

Hay unos días que ando loca por
Te veo y quiero todo lo que traes ahí

Y luego ya no quiero nada
, yo soy así, así

I stand there looking at the group having fun. I sigh to myself and Alexa comes up to me.

"Come o...On Lauren dance," Alexa says with a smile.

Si no me quieres, si no me amas
Dejemos las cosas claras
Yo tampoco busco amor contigo, contigo

Si no me quieres, si no me amas
Dejemos las vaina clara
Yo tampoco busco amor contigo, contigo
Mi mala

I dance with the group and they cheer making me laugh. I move my hips going down and go back up.

"Lauren fu...Fucking working it," Veronica says.

"You know me girl," I said over the music.

"Have to get her in the mo...Mood tha... That's why," Alexa says.

"Damn right," I said winking at her making her laugh. I look at Shawn and he smiles at me making me return it. I keep dancing and sing along to the song dancing.

Becky G
Si los celos y la rabia contaminan
Nod bañamos con jabón y se nos quita

No hay invento, ni secreto, ni mentira
Que los dos comemos de otra cucharita

Y luego por la mañana
Estamos como si nada

No es tu asunto
Lo que yo aga por la calle
A ti te gusto mala

me dices que yo soy tu mala
Te quedas mirándome a solas
Y no me hablas

Porque te gusta que en la noche
Sea tu cuerpo que me habla
Y quien me toque

Esto no es amor, ni entrenamiento
Es como una cosa que queda en el miedo

Cuando quiero, quieres
Cuando quieras, quiero
Y si , y si

I laugh at the group and shake my head. I dance with Alexa having fun. I shake my hips with the beat. I look across the bar seeing everyone else dancing to the song.

I wish Camila was here, I thought. I keep dancing with the group. I smile when Shawn brings more shots for us to take. I take the shot and we all cheer making me laugh. I need this, I thought.

I look at the bar and intend to text or call Camila but I just keep dancing.

"Come on Lau... Lauren," Shawn says.

I look at him but just follow him. He takes me somewhere less crowded. He takes his phone out.

I look at it and see Camila's name on the screen.

"Talk with her," He says over the music. "I'll stay here so no... Nothing happens," He says and I nod taking his phone.

I put it up to my ear and smile. "Hey baby," I said over the music covering my other ear so I can hear her better.

"Hi, how's it going?" She asks.

"It's... It's going amazing baby," I stutter due to me being drunk.

"Lauren are you drunk?" Camila laughs on the other side.

"Yeah," I respond.

"We... Well," She stutters. "I am too," She finishes making me laugh.

"Lauren it's time to leave," Shawn says with a smile.

"I O... Ok," I said. "See.. See you in a b.. Bit b.. Baby," I slur and hang up not letting her say bye. This was fun, I thought.

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