Morning sex

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Camila's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling Lauren's warmth. I smile to myself sitting up hearing her slow breathing.

"Stop staring," I hear she mumble.

"I can't," I smile running my hand down her back.

"Babe, what are you doing?" She ask laughing lightly.

"Well I woke up horny," I whisper and she chuckles.

"Then," Lauren says sitting up. "Let me take care of that," She says kissing my lips.

"Nope," I say pulling away. "I'm in charge," I whisper sitting on her lap.

"Oh no no no," She says.

"Come on, I know you want me to top," I smirk and she bites her lip. "Exactly so let me accomplish your dreams," I whisper huskily laying her down.

I adjust myself on top of her to then pull her lips in an intense kiss. She moans into my mouth when I slowly release her bottom lip. I move my kisses down biting her pulse point harshly.

I move to her breast and look up at her taking one of her nipples into my mouth massaging the other like she did to me last night. She arches her head back releasing a moan.

I smirk devilishly moving down with kisses. I reach her hot, throbbing center giving it a kiss with enough pressure.

"Mmm... Fuck," She moans. "Don't tease," She says.

"Well you teased me I'll pay it back," I whisper realizing a puff of warm breath making her hips buck up. I hold them down smiling.

I kiss her center again bringing two fingers and begin massaging her clit. She moans arching her back exposing those breasts.

"Please..." She begs running her hand through my hair gripping it.

"I thought you didn't want me to top," I tease, and she groans.

"Camila..." She whines.

"Fine," I say plunging two fingers in. I start at a slow pace so she can get adjusted. I move up her body still pumping my fingers. "You like being topped," I whisper feeling her lips.

She just whines another moan escaping her. Lauren rocks her hips with my fingers as I pick up my pace. "Fuck," She moans. "Play with yourself," She whispers with a mismatch breath.

I quickly obey her orders bringing my other hand massaging my clit. We both moan in harmony as I attach my lips to her neck sucking on the base of her throat.

"Fuck... Camila... I'm close," She says between breaths and moans.

I smirk looking at her. "I am too," I whisper and she smiles at me.

"Come with me baby," She whispers.

I feel her tighten around my fingers as I feel myself chasing my max. Lauren rocks her hips more harder matching my pace. I feel her come and I feel myself get undone too. I move my pace slower helping her ride out of her orgasm.

I fully pull out, collapsing beside her. She gathers me in her arms and I smile "That was..." She trails off.

"Amazing," I finish her sentence.

"I will still not accept I got topped," Lauren says making me laugh.

"Well I love spending time with you but I have to go to work," I say getting up.

"No," Pulling me by the arm.

"Baby" I pout.

"I'll make it up to you," She says.

"How?" I ask.

"A day planned out for only us and us only," She says making me smile.

"Hm," I said thinking about it.

"Please," She pouts making the puppy eyes.

"Fine!" I give in. "But I have to call your dad to tell him," I say and she nods.

I grab my phone smiling to myself. I tell Mike that I won't be going to work and I told him why.

"You know Lauren is stubborn," I whisper into the phone so Lauren doesn't hear me.

"I know she is Camila," Mike says smiling.

"Have a good day, sir," I said smiling.

"You too," He says and I hang up.

"Well," Lauren says.

"I'm down," I said with a smile.

Lauren grins at me, picking me up and spinning me around. I giggle and she puts me down.

"I.." She trails off. She shakes her head making me frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask cupping her cheek.

"Nothing just something on my mind," She says and I nod. "Get ready so we can eat breakfast," She says.

"I'm not hungry, I already ate," I say with a goofy smile.

"Shut up and get ready," She says laughing.

"Fine," I mumble, walking away, jumping when she slaps my ass.

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