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Camila's POV

It's been a couple of minutes and everything was blurred out. All I could see is Ally's big smile as Troy put the ring on. She does the same then I hear the father say.

"I now declare you wife and husband, you may kiss the bride," He says with a smile.

Ally and Troy share a kiss and everyone starts cheering and clapping. Father Augustine has been knowing me, and the girls since we were five years old. In no matter what he will always be there for us.

Ally and Troy walk down the alter and people throw flowers at them. Father Augustine accepted me as bisexual and I couldn't have had it another way.

"Father Augustine!" I said hugging him.

"Camila," He says.

"Oh, Augustine I need to show you, someone," I said.

I look around the room and spot her. "Hold on," I said and he nods. "Lolo," I smile tapping her shoulder.

"Yes?" She says turning.

"Come," I said and she smiles.

"I'll be back," She says to Ally's parents.

"Augustine, this is Lauren, my girlfriend," I explained.

"Nice to meet you, sweetie," He says hugging Lauren.

"Nice to meet you too," Lauren says with a smile.

"I'll be so glad if I can marry you both," Augustine says.

"Woah Augustine," I said blushing.

He smiles at me and hugs me again. "You should go to the party," Augustine says.

"You're not coming?" I ask.

"I will," He says with a smile.

"Don't worry about the mess," Lauren says. "I'll have some of my staff come and clean it up," Lauren says wrapping one of her arms around my waist.

"Thank you, Lauren," Augustine says.

"Let's go before we're late" Lauren whispers and I smile at her.

We drive to the venue where the after-party is taking hold. Lauren rests her hand on my thigh and I smile at her. I take her hand in mine and kiss the back of it.

"I love you," Lauren whispers.

"I love you too," I said with a smile.

We get to the venue finding a table.

"Mila," I hear.

I look over and see Shawn waving at me. We walk to their table and sit down.

"Ally and Troy?" I ask.

"Greeting everyone," Shawn says taking a grape and popping it into his mouth.

"Greetings," I hear behind me.

I turn around and see my parents and my little sister. "Mama, papa!" I smile, hugging them "Sofia," I said picking my little sister up twirling her around. I put her down and kneel down at her feet. "How are you?" I ask.

"Amazing Mila, but I really miss you," Sofia says.

"I know I haven't visited Cuba," I said sadly. "But I will make it happen I'm just busy with work," I said and she hugs me again. "Oh," I said getting up, remembering something. "Mom, dad, Sofia," I smile. "This is Lauren," I said.

"Nice to meet you," Lauren says greeting them.

"What is she, your girlfriend?" Sofi asks making me blush. "Oh my god, she is!" Sofi jumping up and down.

Lauren smiles and wraps her arm around my waist. "I am," Lauren says.

"Well this is surprising," My mom says making us laugh. "Sinu," My mom says.

"Alejandro," My dad says shaking Lauren's hand once again.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cabello," Lauren says.

"Please call us by our first name," My mom says.

Lauren just smiles at them and Sofi hugs Lauren's legs.

"Nice to meet you, Lauren," She says.

Lauren chuckled leaning down at Sofi's height. "Nice to meet you too shorty," Lauren says hugging her.

"Drinks?" I ask.

"Sure," They all say.

"Come on babe," I said grabbing Lauren's hand pulling her to where the drinks are.

"That wasn't bad," She says.

"Yeah it wasn't," I said.

"Were you nervous, because you haven't kissed me since we got to the church," Lauren says laughing.

"Yeah, I was," I said.

"Well it's all good now so give me a kiss," She says making me smile. She pulls me by the waist sealing our lips.

"I love you," I whisper once we pull away.

"Come on," Lauren says.

We walk back to the table holding hands smiling.

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