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When I point out play Crazier by Taylor Swift, Love someone by Lucky Graham, and All of Me by John Legend

5 years later...

"Baby calm down," Camila said as the 4-year-old runs around.

"When's Momma gonna come back?" The girl whines.

"Momma will be back from her business trip in a couple of hours," Camila said.

"Ughhh," Eli whines.

Camila has a four-year-old girl named Bianca Elizabeth Jauregui Cabello.

A couple of hours later of watching Disney movies they hear the doorbell ring. Camila groans getting up. Camila opens the door and smiles at who's on the other side.

"Baby!" Camila smiles wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck.

"Baby girl!" Lauren chirps hugging Camila tight.

"Momma!" Eli chirps, hugging Lauren's legs.

"Shorty," Lauren says. "How's my little girl?" Lauren asks picking Bianca up.

"Amazing Momma I missed you!" Bianca says.

"Well I'm back baby," Lauren says. "Here," Lauren says handing Bianca a bag. "Open it," Lauren says kneeling down at her height.

Bianca opens the bag and her green eyes light up. "Momma," Bianca says pulling out an Apple Macbook.

"Well I decided that you wanted a Macbook so I got you one," Lauren says making Camila smile.

"Thank you, Momma," Bianca says hugging her tightly.

"No problem kiddo," Lauren says hugging her back.

Bianca runs off with her Macbook making Camila and Lauren laugh. Lauren stands back up. Camila wraps her arms around Lauren's neck.

"I missed you," Lauren whispers. Lauren tilts her head to the side sealing their lips.

After a couple of seconds, they pull away.

"I missed you too," Camila whispers, cupping Lauren's cheek.

"I have news for you," Lauren says making Camila hum. "I have a few weeks off work," Lauren says making Camila smile.

Over the years Michael handed the business off to Camila and Lauren.

Lauren does almost all the work, taking business trips, meetings, paperwork. Lauren barely has time to be with her family.

"That's great news," Camila says. "But who's gonna take care of the business," Camila says.

"Taylor will," Lauren says. Taylor does take care of the company sometimes.

Chris lives in L.A with Lucy. They got married two years ago. Yet that Lauren still hates Lucy but supports them.

"Why don't we make dinner?" Camila suggests.

"Please," Lauren says making Camila laugh.

They make dinner since the maid took a day off. Once they finish making dinner they sit at the table. Bianca sits in her high stool eating and playing with her food.

"Eli," Camila says. "What did I say about playing with your food," Camila says sternly.

"Let the little girl have fun," Lauren says.

"Shut up babe," Camila says making Lauren laugh.

Eli gets off her stool jumping on Lauren's lap. "Momma, can we make cookies?" Eli asks hopefully.

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