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Lauren's POV

After an eventful time in that room. Me and Camila had to dodge questions from the group because of Dinah telling them and even recording it. The secret room is in Camila's room so I don't think she opened the door. It's 7 pm and I look at Camila.

"So how about that date?" I whisper in her ear.

"You were actually serious?" Camila asks turning to look at me.

"I was Cabello," I whisper smiling at her.

She gets up looking at me. "I'll go get changed," Camila says and I hold her arm.

"You don't have to," I say.

"I want to baby," She says and I pull her by the waist resting my head on her tummy.

She smiles and strokes my hair.

"Oh a date," Dinah says and I laugh.

"Y'all know what's gonna happen tonight," Normani says.

"What Mani?" Camila says.

"Lauren's gonna make you hers in two ways," Normani says and Camila blushes.

I rub Camila's tummy making her close her eyes and I slowly kiss it "You can change if you want but I don't think it will matter" I say. After Camila changes me explaining everything that will happen tonight. Dinah tries so hard not to burst when Camila came out. "I'm ready," Camila says walking to me. I stand up giving the group a glare as to not say anything.

"Let's go," I say simply smiling at her.

"We should get going then," Shawn says standing up. He waves his hand to tell the rest to get up.

"Bye bitches," Dinah says at the door making us laugh.

"Now?" I ask.

"Yeah," Camila says and we walk out, Camila locking her door.

We get in my car driving to my beach house that my parents got me.

"Where are we going?" She asks making me smile.

"Kidnapping you so I can have you all to myself," I say causing a laugh in her.

"Were here," I say pulling up to the driveway.

"Lauren, what is this place?" Camila asks

"I already told you," I say.

"Stop" She laughs shoving my shoulder.

"Ok I will," Lauren laughs.

We walk up to the door and I unlock it. "Close your eyes" I whisper.

"Lauren..." Camila looks at me.

"What, you don't trust me?" I ask offended.

"No I do but I know how you act," Camila says and I pout.

"Baby please," I say.

"Fine, but if you try something I'm leaving in your car," She says making me laugh.

She covers her eyes and I lead her to the living room.

Everything is already set up my helpers that are there doing it all. The fireplace is hot and burning giving light to that room that had the lights off. There's a table that has two glasses filled with wine. I pull the chair out for her helping her sit down.

"Open them," I whisper in her ear.

She takes her hands off her face, her jaw-dropping. "Lauren..." She says looking around. "This is so beautiful!" She continues and I blush.

"Thank you," I say shyly. I sit down in front of her and clap my hands. Soon the butler comes in with our food.

"Your food Ms. Jauregui," Reginald, my butler, says. I smile at him and he walks away.

Camila and I spend the entire night talking getting to know more of each other.

"Camila," I say and she looks at me.

"I love having you, getting to know you," I say making her grin at me. "But I really wanna take things to a next level," I say.

"We are, we're friends aren't we," She says.

To be honest, that hurt me. "I want more than that," I say too quickly and her jaw drops.

"I know you don't want the same due to how I am, fuckgirl," I say and she stands up.

Camila cups my cheek and lightly kisses my lips. "Whoever said I didn't want the same," Camila says. "Yeah I'm not happy about the fuckgirl type of thing but people change Lauren," Camila continues. "And I've definitely seen that with you," She finishes.

" you?" I say shyly.

"Do I what?" She asks.

"Want to be my girlfriend?" I ask

"Is it a question or a request?" She asks with a smile.

"Question," I say.

"Then I'll love too, Lauren," She says and I open a big smile.

She sits on my lap and I pull her into a kiss.

"I like you" I whisper against her lips.

"I like you too," She says.

"I'll show you that I changed for you babe, I promise," I say and Camila smiles down at me lightly kissing my lips cupping my face.

She strokes my cheek just looking at me. "I know you will, I can see it," She says and I smile at her.

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