Can't Get Her Out Of My Mind

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Lauren's POV

"I want to be with you," Camila whispers and I cup her cheek.

"I want to as well," I said and she smiles at me. "Then why can't we?" Camila asks and I sigh. "Lauren," I hear and I turn around.

"Lucy?" I said confused.

She touches my shoulder, running her hand down.

"I missed you," She says and pulls my collar, crashing her lips with mine.

My eyes widen and I try to push her away but she only brings me back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I immediately wake up and blink my eyes. "It was just a dream," I whisper. I stand up and look at myself in the mirror and sigh "What did you do to me, Camila..." I whisper and walk into the restroom.

I get all dress and I have on some black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and on top, a black long sleeve crop top, topped with a bomber jacket.

I get into my car and drive to the company. My father wanted to see me today again.

I park in the parking lot, walking inside the building and into the elevator.

"Wait!" I hear and a hand stopping the doors to them reopen.

I look up and see Dinah and Camila. Camila is wearing a red dress with a slit on the thigh and some black heels with lace detail. I bite my lip and check her out.

We get to Dinah's floor and she gets out. I see her give Camila a wink with a smirk and she blushes.

The doors close again and I rock my feet back and forth. She looks absolutely beautiful today more than she already does. I clear my throat when the doors open and I let her get out first. She sets her things down then walks to my dad's office and I follow.

"Lauren is here Mr. Jauregui," Camila says and my dad looks up.

"Thank you, you can go, Camila," Mike says and she nods.

She walks by me and we meet eyes for a brief second.

"Lauren?" My dad calls.

I walk over to his desk and sit in front of him.

"What happened to you yesterday? You didn't eat, you walked out on me, you didn't even come out of your room," He says and I play with the ring on my finger.

"Dad, will you get mad if I tell you the truth?" I ask and he looks at me.

"Tell me, I won't get mad," He says.

"I... Uh... Hooked up with Camila," I let out and his jaw drops.

"You did what?! Why Camila?!" He says raising his voice. "That girl is innocent you probably took her virginity away." He yells and I wince.

He has never yelled at me before and I'm really scared about that.

"She did sir," Camila walks in and my dad looks at me with fury in his eyes. "She also took my first kiss away," Camila says and my jaw drops.

I stand up and look at her. "Why didn't you tell me?" I whisper and she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"We were in the moment it wouldn't matter," She said and looks at my dad.

"It's ok sir," Camila says.

"This idiot took your first kiss and your virginity away it's not ok," Mike says. "It should have been with someone you love," He finishes and I roll my eyes.

I walk over to him. "She probably doesn't have her eyes on someone," I said and he slaps me.

"Lauren that doesn't matter, she could have," He says and I bring my hand up to my stinging cheek.

Camila rushes to my side. "You okay?" She asks and I feel a tear roll down my cheek. "Sir calm down," Camila says sternly.

"Get her out of my office I want to be alone," My dad yells and Camila takes a hold of my hand.

She takes me to her desk and sits me down on her chair. "Remove your hand," She says simply.

I remove it and all her features turn sad. "It's super red," She whispers and I feel another teardrop.

"He has never treated me like that," I whisper and she interlaced her fingers with mine. "He never yelled or lay a hand on me," I whisper and she frowns.

She stands up and looks down at me. She bends down and gives a kiss on my cheek. I blush and smile at her. I stand up and look at her. She wraps her arms around my neck pulling me in for a hug and I smile wrapping my other arm around her waist, still holding my cheek.

We pull away and I cup her cheek resting our foreheads together our noses touching.

"I love having you as my company," I whisper and she holds my wrist.

"I love being your company," She whispers.

"Camila I didn't mean to," I said and she hums. "You should have told me, my dad is right," I said and she smiles. "It should have been with someone you love not me" I whisper.

"Kiss me Lauren," Camila whispers and I pull away to look at her. "Just do it," She says and I nod.

I pull her by the waist and connect our lips in a soft, gentle kiss. She kisses back making me remember exactly how her lips taste.

I pull away and look at her. "You want to know something?" I whisper and she nods. "I have changed I'm trying not to be a fuckgirl," I say and she smiles. "Ever since we hooked up, you have always been on my mind," I said and she grins at me.

"You have too," She says and I smile.



Heyooooo!!! So I have been seeing this story is actually doing good. Thank you, guys!! I really appreciate it!!! See you in the next chapter! ❤

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