Reunion Party

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Camila's POV

It's finally time for the reunion party and I'm so excited cause I get to see everyone again. I get up checking the time on my phone and smile. I look up and see Lauren walk in. Oh shit, I forgot we had dinner.

"Lauren, hi," I say shyly and she looks at me.

"You ok?" She asks and I look down at the floor.

"Lauren I won't be able to go to dinner with you," I said and her features turn sad.

"Why?" She asks her voice filled with sadness.

"We have this reunion party and I really wanna see all my friends again," I said and she smiles.

"Can I go as your date?" She asks and I blush.

"I.. Um.. Sure Lauren," I stutter and she smiles.

"When is it?" She asks and I turn around looking at her just as she sits on my desk chair.

"Well it's now," I say and her jaw drops.

"Oh um ok, let's go," She says, standing up, and pulling me by the hand, making me laugh.

We go to the elevator and go to the main floor where everything is already prepared. I see Dinah from a distance and she waves me over. I grab Lauren's hand and bring her with me.

"Chancho!" Dinah says and I smile.

"Cheechee!" I say excited hugging her.

"Mila!" I hear two people scream and I get out of Dinah's embrace.

"Oh my god Ally, Manibear hey girls!" I say and hug them both.

"If it isn't Camilita," I hear a male voice and I smile knowing that voice.

I turn around and see Shawn. "Shawnyboy!" I say and hug him.

"Hi," He says and smiles at me.

I pull away from him and I feel someone come up from behind me.

"You want a drink?" Lauren whispers in my ear and I turn around to look at her.

"Sure," I say and she nods going over to get us a drink.

I turn back around and all my friends are smirking at me. "What?" I said rolling my eyes

"Who is that sexy?" Dinah asks and I roll my eyes once again.

"It's Mike's daughter," I say simply.

"So your fucking the bosses daughter?" Dinah asks and my mouth falls open.

"Dinah!" I say and punch her arm.

"I was gonna have dinner with her so we can get to know each other but I wanted to come here so I can see all of you," I say and Dinah nods.

"Then why is she with you?" Dinah asks and I roll my eyes again.

"What's with the questions, I bailed on her so she insisted to come with me," I said and Dinah nods.

Lauren comes back and hands me a drink happily. "You look wonderful!" Lauren whispers in my ear after taking a sip of her drink.

"Thank you, Lauren," I say and she smiles.

"Lauren hi," Dinah says and Lauren looks at her confused.

"Do I know you?" Lauren asks and I laugh.

"No but I work for your father," Dinah says and Lauren nods.

The others greet her and she stays talking with Normai and Ally. I'm talking with Shawn and Dinah. I laugh at what Dinah said and someone pulls me by the waist.

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