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Lauren's POV

"Lauren...." Camila trails off.

My heart is raising, my heart is pounding so hard in my chest. "Will.." I trail off.

"Yes, Lauren yes!" Camila says.

I bite my lip, smiling, trying to hold back the urge to cry. I slide the ring in and hug Camila tightly. "I love you so much," I whisper stroking Camila's hair.

Camila caresses my arm making me smile. "I love you too baby," She says.

I pull away and catch her lips with mine. Camila cups one side of my face pulling me closer. Our lips move in sync making me smile. I rest one hand on her hip pulling her impossibly closer.

We pull away after a couple seconds and I smile lightly at her. "You make me the happiest," I confess, rubbing my nose against her's.

"You do too," Camila smiles. Camila rests her hand on my chest laying her head on my shoulder. "Can we go back to the apartment?" Camila mumbles.

"Sure baby," I whisper.

We dress up and grab everything. We go inside and I take the apartment keys.

Shawn's POV

"Where's Ally?" I ask.

"She should be here," Dinah says.

We hear knocks at the door and I go an open it. "Finally," I said.

"Sorry traffic," Ally says coming in with Troy.

"Okay, everything is set up," I smile.

"Do they know?" Normani says.

"No, Taylor set it up," I said.

"Damn right," Taylor says coming out of the kitchen. She wraps an arm around my shoulder kissing me on the lips. We hear the doorknob turn.

Camila's POV

Lauren turns the doorknob and we go in.

"SURPRISE!" We hear.

"Oh my god," I said covering my mouth

"Happy engagement CAMREN!" They scream again.

"Celebration!" Shawn says popping the champagne.

After a couple of hours, it's just me and the girls since Shawn left with Taylor.

"I had so much fun girls," Dinah says and I hug her from behind clinging like a koala.

"Me too," I said.

"I love you Chancho!" Dinah says kissing my cheek.

"I love you too Cheech!" I said kissing her cheek back.

"Awwwww," The girls cooed.

"Hey Camren might get marry but Mila here will always be my baby, muah," Dinah says.

"Only yours," I said with a smile.

"I think you got that wrong but okay," Lauren says with a smile.

"Ah baby calm down," I said, getting off Dinah. "I'm yours in every way," I said snuggling against the heat of her body. I rest my hand on her chest and she wraps her arms around me.

"I love you," She whispers. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby," Lauren says.

"Me too, you changed me," I said.

"No baby, you changed me," Lauren says making me smile.

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