Playing with fire

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Lauren's POV

I open mine and Camila's bedroom door closing it with my foot. I pin her body on the door kissing her with so much want. I pull away kissing her neck. I run my tongue over her pulse point, making her moan. She runs her hand through my hair making me smirk.

"You like playing with fire don't you?" I whisper.

She chuckles moaning. "I love it," She moans out.

"Hm," I hum running my hands down her ass. "I'll show you not too," I whisper. I quickly take her jacket off, then her shirt. I bend down taking Camila's shoes off revealing her amazing pale feet.

I go back up and unbutton her pants. I kiss her lips as I pull her pants down. "You like this don't you," I whisper.

"I could cum just watching you undress me with such a naughty look," She says.

I cover her mouth and look at her. "Shhhhhh, stay quiet," I whisper.

She licks my hand and I take it off. "What if I don't want too?" She challenges and I cover her mouth again.

"You're going too, or it's gonna go worse, don't play with me Cabello," I whisper making her chuckle sending vibrations through my whole body. "God," I said pulling away from her.

She smirks coming up from behind me massaging my shoulders. "I love to play with fire, you wanna know why?" She whispers. Camila walks in front of me with a smirk. "Because in the end I never get burned, you wanna know who gets burned?" She asks.

"Who?" I ask my eyes focusing on hers.

"My opponent," She whispers in my ear.

I grab her waist pulling her hard onto me. "Not with me," I whisper throwing her onto the bed. "And I'll show you," I said going to my suitcase.

"What are you grabbing?" Camila asks.

I take out handcuffs, a blindfold, whip, and a strap-on. "So you're getting a punishment for teasing me like that at the club," I say.

"You deserve it," She says with a laugh.

"Really," I said pulling her up.

"With me, you don't play like that," I whisper.

She walks to the nearest wall leaning on it. I come up to her turning her around.

I run my hands down her ass kissing her shoulder. I walk back to the bed grabbing the whip. "Tell me," I say. "Do you like it rough or not?" I ask.

"I like it rough but not too much just enough," She says and I nod.

Soon I hear a smacking noise and her whine. "Fuck," She says

"Shut up," I growl pulling her by the hair. "You wanted this huh," I say whipping her again.

She whines and I drop the whip. I run my hands down her ass squeezing it. I pull her up as she wraps her legs around my waist. I carry her to the bed laying her down.

I capture her lips in a fierce kiss. I pull away grabbing the handcuffs. I cuff them onto her hands and she smiles. Kissing down her body, I capture her left nipple circling it with my tongue as I massage her right breast. I switch once I get it sensitive. I grab the blindfold and look up at her.

"Why are you blindfolding me?" She asks.

"Shhhh" I shush her and she doesn't say anything. I successfully put the blindfold on going down her body. Then I grab the strap-on putting it on tightening it around my waist.

I kiss her center putting pressure on it making her moan. She brings her hand to my hair pulling it.

"Babe," I whisper and she hums "Feel me," I said.

"Fuck me already Laur please," She says.

I bring the tip of the silicone and she presses her hips onto it.

"Please...." She begs and I plunge it in.

"Oh," She moans out. "It's so big," She says making me smirk.

I thrust my hips making the silicone thrust. I hear several moans come from Camila's mouth and some cuss words.

"Babe," She groans gripping my hair. "I'm cumming," She admits.

"Do it... Cum for me," I almost moan out.

After that, I hear a string of cuss words coming from her. I clean her up helping ride out of her orgasm. I climb up her body and kiss her lips. I take the strap off and she smiles at me taking the blindfold off. I get the key to take the cuffs off and I smile at her

"You're amazing as hell," She whispers.

I wrap her in my arms kissing her lips. "I love you so much," I whisper and she smiles at me.

She yawns making me smile. "Go to sleep babe," I said.

"Goodnight," She whispers.

"Goodnight," I whisper and kiss her lips, she's gonna be soar, I thought.

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