Wedding morning

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Camila's POV

I wake up the next morning with Lauren beside me. I smile when I feel her stir a little. I run my hand up her naked back seeing all the toys and our clothes spread out around the room.

"Babe," I hear her mumble. I stop and she groans.

"Don't stop," She says. Lauren turns around with the most beautiful smile. Lauren cuddles up against my naked thigh caressing it. She moves her hand more up making me shift.

"Lauren...." I whisper trailing off. I feel her wet lips kiss up my thighs.

Lauren bites along the way until she gets to my pussy. She presses her lips against my clit making me moan.

I put my hand behind her head and she kisses my pussy again. "Fuck...." I moan.

Lauren adjusts herself kissing my pussy one last time. I feel her fingers begin a small massage on my clit and her tongue working on my bundle of nerves. I push her head more making her smile.

Without warning, Lauren puts her strong muscle inside, pumping it in and out. I moan a couple of times pushing her head more in.

"Baby...." I trail off. "I'm going to cum," I warn her but she doesn't say anything.

She starts to pump even harder and harder.

"Fuck..." I moan.

After a couple more moans I feel myself tight on Lauren's tongue.

She brings her hand out trying to spread me more.

"Babe..." I whisper. I hear her moan and I look down at her. "Did you cum?" I whisper. Then I feel myself release a gush of wetness.

Lauren sucks every last drop and looks up at me. "Yes," She whispers making me smile.

"Today is the day babe," I whisper stroking her hair.

She raises an eyebrow and I laugh.

"Ally's wedding," I said.

Lauren opens a beautiful smile. "I'm so happy for her," She whispers.

"You wish you can get married?" I asked.

"I wish but no girl wants me," She says caressing my thigh.

"I want you," I said.

"I know but you're the first that wants me as how I am," Lauren says. "Other girls just used me for money, to experiment with me," She says looking into my eyes sincerely.

"Experiment?" I asked confused.

"Well some of them just wanted to see how it is to have sex with a girl and they always came to me since you know..." Lauren says trailing off. "Anyway," Lauren says getting up. "Let's go get ready, it's Ally's big day," She says with a beautiful smile.

Once we finish getting ready, the group is already downstairs.

"Finally," Shawn says. "How about we go eat breakfast?" He asks.

We get to Waffle House, ordering some breakfast.

"So after this, ladies you have to distract Ally, and we distract Troy, no seeing the bride before the wedding," Shawn says

"Got it," I said. "As the maid of honor, and Shawn as the best man we will take care of everything," I continue and the group nods.

We finish eating breakfast and go out to the car.

"Let's go to the mall," Ally says. "All of us," She finishes.

"So we can pass time," Dinah says.

I feel Lauren lay her head on my shoulder. I smile interlacing our hands. Lauren starts a caress on the back of my head making me close my eyes leaning my head on the window.

After an eventful time distracting Ally and Troy it's finally time.

"Ready Ally?" I ask opening the door. I see her walking around about to sweat. "Hey it's okay," I said.

"I'm nervous Mila," She says.

"It's fine, okay," I said. I see Ally's dad walk in and I smile at him.

"Everything okay?" I hear Lauren come in. She's wearing a black leather dress, black lipstick, a cheetah detailed jacket with matching heels.

"Yeah," I said.

Lauren smiles at me nodding once. "The groom is ready, " She says. "It's time," Lauren says.

"Let's go," I smile towards Ally.

Lauren smiles holding her arm out for me. I interlace my arm with hers making her smile. Lauren walks me up to the alter right where Ally will be.

"Good luck," Lauren whispers. She walks to the front row where the group is leaving space for Ally's parents.

Lauren parents are there as well as mine. I'm actually scared because my parents don't know me and Lauren are dating. Luckily they accepted me as bisexual when I came out to them. We hear the wedding music begin. I look at Troy and he has a big smile on his face. I look at Shawn and he simply smiles at me and I return it.

I look at the doors as they open, revealing the beautiful bride and her father.....

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