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Camila's POV

I wake up the next morning with Lauren beside me and I smile. Every image from last night visible in my thoughts. I run my hands up her back and she turns around slowly.

She stretches and I smile. "Hi," Lauren says in a sleepy tone.

"Good morning," I whisper and smile down at her.

"What time is it?" She asks and I look at my phone.

"It's 6:00 am," I say and she gets up quickly.

"Oh shit," She says and picks up her clothes. "I uh I gotta go," Lauren says putting her clothes on.

"Oh ok," I say disappointed all over my voice.

She is finally all dressed and looks at me. "I uh guess I'll just let myself out," Lauren says and walks out of the door.

One hour later, I get dressed for work and call Dinah to come pick me up. On the way there I tell her everything that happened last night. We enter the big building and separate to our stations.

I go to my desk and set all my things down, walking to Michael's office, then to knock on his door. I hear him tell me to come in. Once I do I see Lauren sitting in front of him.

She quickly gets up once she sees me. "I uh bye dad," She says and walks out of there.

Michael looks confused and I do too.

"What's up with her?" I ask curious and he shrugs.

"I don't understand Lauren sometimes," Mike says and I nod. "Last time she walked out on me like this is because she hooked up with one of my employees," He says and my eyes widen.

"Does Lauren do relationships?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"She only had one relationship and that was in high school," He says and I nod. "It was a really bad relationship and ever since she only hooks up with girls to get all the love out that she still has for her," He says.

"Who is her?" I ask and he looks up at me.

"Her name is Lucy Vives," He says.

"What did she do to Lauren?" I ask, concern all over my voice.

"She cheated on her with her brother and my son Chris," He says and my jaw drops. "They hate each other," He whispers but I hear it.

I see a tear fall down and I get up. "It's ok Mr. Jauregui," I comfort him.

"Mike" He whispers and I smile.

Now I know the reason Lauren left so soon. It's clear to me that Lauren is just a fuck girl. She hooks up with girls to make her love fade for another. I don't know what I should feel mad or sad? What will you feel?

I got a glimpse of Lauren's outfit today that's for sure. She showered and changed when she left my house. She was wearing a sweater, black rip skinny jeans, and some black combat boots. I get out of Michael's office after saying goodbye and do some work at my desk.

After the day is done all the employees are leaving and I soon am but I gotta check on Mr. Jauregui to see if he needs anything before I leave.

I stand up and see Lauren walking in, her headphones in. She runs into me dropping all the papers that I had in my hand. She bends down and picks them up and I do too. Once she's gathered all of them, she looks up and meets my eyes. I get lost in the green of her eyes and I smile to myself.

"I uh... " She trails off. She looks at me her iris changing to a light green. "Here," She says handing me my papers. "You're so beautiful," She whispers and I immediately stand up.

Michael's words repeating in my head.

"It was a really bad relationship and ever since she only hooks up with girls to get her love out that she still has for her."

I stand up and walk into Mr. Jauregui's office.

"Here's all the paperwork," I say and he smiles.

"Thank you, Camila," He says and I hear the door open and see Lauren walk In.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Jauregui," I say stern and formally, taking a glance at Lauren and finally leaving the room.

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