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7 hours later...

Lauren's POV

It's already been 7 hours in that jet. Some of us have already gone asleep. I look down at Camila smiling. She has fallen asleep almost an hour ago. She's laying down on my chest her breathing calm. I caress her arm slowly careful not to wake her.

"I love you so much," I whisper kissing her forehead lightly.

"She makes you that happy," Shawn whispers.

"Yeah," I whisper still looking down at her smiling.

"She deserves someone that makes her happy, feel loved," Shawn whispers. "She has had horrible relationships before," He whispers with a frown. "It was hard seeing her so heartbroken" He shakes his head.

"I'll do my best to not hurt her," I whisper.

"I know you won't," He says standing up.

"I'm going to use the restroom," He says. "Be right back," He pats my shoulder lightly.

I close my eyes lightly sighing. "One hour and 5 minutes until landing in beautiful Paris, France" I hear Gerald on the intercom. Thanks to my dad's Falcon 7X jet it won't take long to get to Paris. I close my eyes, a little sleep won't hurt, I thought.

One hour later I feel movement beside me. I open my eyes lightly "5 minutes until landing" I hear in the intercom.

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you," Camila whispers.

"It's ok, where are you going?" I ask yawning.

"To the restroom, I'll be right back," She whispers.

I nod and she kisses my lips lightly. I close my eyes again falling back asleep.

One hour and five minutes pass and I hear a lot of movement.

"Come on let's get the bags to the car," I hear Shawn whisper.

"Ok come on let's go," I hear Camila whisper.

A few minutes later I hear them come back in the jet.

"Lauren, baby, wake up," I hear Camila whisper. She touches my face lightly stroking my cheek.

I mumble opening my eyes lightly.

"Hi," She says with a beautiful smile.

"Hi," I said sleepily.

"I left some clothes there for you, go get ready in the restroom while we take the bags to the car," She says.

I get ready and head out of the restroom. I get out of the jet plane Gerald smiling at me. "Thank you, Gerald," I smile, hugging him.

"Your welcome ma'am have a nice trip," He says.

"Goodnight Gerald," Camila says.

"You too Ms. Cabello," He says.

She hugs him kissing his cheek.

I smile walking to the car. I hear fast footsteps my way.

"God you're fast," She says making me smile.

"Come on let's go," I said.

She smiles at me. "Do you have a house here too?" She teases making me laugh.

"Yes I do," I said smiling.

Camila smiles at me wrapping her arm with mine.

I smile kissing her cheek. "Your cute," I whisper.

"No," She drags in a little baby voice.

"Yes," I mock her stopping in front of her.

Camila grins at me wrapping her arms around my torso resting her head on my chest. I smile kissing the top of her head.

We pull away and she looks up at me. I smile down at her looking deep into her brown eyes.

"I love you baby girl so so much," I whisper, stroking her cheek.

She closes her eyes feeling my warm, soft caress. I kiss her lips lightly and she quickly reciprocates.

I run my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance. She quickly accepts sliding my tongue into her mouth. Camila cups my face as I work my strong muscle against hers. Camila sighs into my mouth and I pull away.

"You ok, my love?" I ask making her smile.

"Yeah just, happy," Camila responds with a bigger smile.

I grin at her making her rest her head on my shoulder. I feel someone tap my shoulder. It was Dinah. I just look at her and she nods.

"Let's get to the car," I whisper.

She doesn't say anything and I just hold her. I hear her breathing slow meaning she fell asleep.

I smile lightly picking her up bridal style. I walk her to the car and the driver opens the door to the very back seats. I smile at him and call Shawn lightly.

"Can you move these bags to the very corner?" I whisper and he nods.

He moves them to the corner and I smile at him. I lay Camila down in the seat.

I get in carefully settling down. I move her body to lean on mine. I wrap her with my arms kissing the top of her head stroking her hair lightly. I interlace my hand with her's and the car starts moving. Looking down at her I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear pecking her lips.

I sigh arching my head back smiling thinking how much has Camila changed my life. I close my eyes all the memories rushing back.


Boom!! Double upload haha hope you enjoy I will go to a third upload for you all :)

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