Latina Sass

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Lauren's POV

"Lauren," Lucy says.

I look at her quickly getting up. "Lucy" I let out.

Everyone stays quiet even Chris. "Why the fuck did you let her in?" I inquire looking at Chris.

"Lauren you know tha-" I cut him off with my hand.

"You know how I feel," I start raising my voice. My light green eyes turning dark with anger.

"Lauren," Lucy says trying to get closer to me.

"Don't fucking touch me," I mumble backing away from her. "I'm getting my things and leaving with MY girlfriend," I announced.

"Really Lauren, stop being childish," Lucy says.

"Childish?" I ask. "Says the one that fucking cheated on me with my fucking brother," I raise my voice.

"Now that's a whole different story," Chris cuts in.

"You better shut up before I beat the living shit out of you," I said angrily.

"Now you're not gonna lay a hand on him," Lucy says.

I put my things down and walk up to her. "Who the fuck do you think you are telling me what I can do," I growl.

"Haha, still the same, your so-called girlfriend, is that just a cover-up for your sex partner?" She asks.

"Ok now listen here you fucking whore," Camila says. "You're not gonna fucking treat me like that before that little snake face of yours gets even worse," Camila hissed.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Lucy asks.

"Camila Cabello nice to meet you," Camila says in a sarcastic tone.

"Ha, this is your little girlfriend?" Lucy asks turning to me.

"Yes and I'm much better than your little snake ass was," Camila says getting in front of me.

"Now this is going too far," Chris says, "I'm not gonna let your girlfriend ruin my night with mine." He steps in front of Lucy, "Just get your girlfriend, and get the fuck out."

"Gladly," I growl grabbing my things.

I walk out leaving Camila behind not even saying goodbye to my family.

"Babe," I hear her sweet voice.

I sighed, taking a deep breath to calm myself down.

"You ok?" She asks, touching my face lightly.

"I'm fine," I whisper holding her hands.

"If you want me too I can go back in there and ruin her snake face," Camila's angry tone came back.

"Can we just leave?" I whisper desperately to get out of here.

Camila nods and once we get back to Camila's apartment she opens the door throwing the keys. "Now are you gonna stay quite or do I have to make you talk," She says angrily.

I just stay quiet fidgeting with my ring.

She grunts in frustration rubbing her temples. "Why don't you just fucking move in with me Lauren," She says.

"I can't leave Taylor," I respond back.

"She's grown up Lauren," She states the obvious.

"That doesn't matter, Lucy mistreats Tay" I stand up, raising my voice. "I'm not leaving her," I said finally.

She just rubs her temple and goes into her room.

I go after her. "Why do you want me to live with you?" I ask a bit calmer.

"I don't want you to run into that fucking snake don't you get it," Camila says

"I can take care of myself," I said offended.

"Doesn't look like it," She says.

I fucking sigh frustration taking over me.

"Your gonna make a stupid mistake one day Lauren," She growls and I just roll my eyes. "You want to fucking end this just tell me and I will," She says now standing in front of me.

I just grab her face and kiss her roughly. Camila shakes her head trying to pull me away but I just held her tighter.

I bite her lower lip harder and lay her down. This is gonna be a long night, I thought.

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