After Party

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Camila's POV

We are at our after party. I changed into a white leopard dress, and platform heels. Lauren is greeting all of the guests. I was too but my legs got tired. I'm sitting up front seeing everyone have the time of their life. I look over at the girls and Shawn.

Dinah is wearing the same outfit from before. Ally is wearing a long leather jacket dress with a fire design, and a black outfit under. Normani is wearing the same jacket but silver detail, a long black skirt. Shawn is wearing a grey outfit, with a black button-up under, and a black-white striped shirt under that, and maroon boots to finish it.

I snap out of my thoughts when I see Lauren walk up to me. She's wearing a black dress with a slit on the thigh, lots of red detail, red blood lipstick, and black lace heels. God, she's so hot, I think to myself.

"Hey," She says kissing my cheek.

"Hey baby," I said and she smiled.

She connects our lips and I cup her jaw. Lauren presses our lips together making me smile. Her hand lands on my thigh making me bite her lower lip.

We pull away and she smiles at me. We hear the crowd cheer, making me blush. I rest my head on Lauren's shoulder.

She brings her hand up, stroking my hair. "I love you," She whispers.

"I love you too," I mumble into her shoulder.

A couple of hours pass, now it's time for the toasts. We all get our champagne glasses and Lauren gets the mic handing it to Shawn since he's the best man for Lauren.

"I will like to toast to the beautiful bride and my best friend. I think I'm speaking for me, the girls, and for everybody else that we all had faith, you will get married Mila. We knew since the first day you met Lauren you will fall for her because you had a look you never had on any of your potential companions. All I wish you is a happy life and I can't wait to meet my nephews or nieces, we love you Mila."

Shawn raises his glass and I feel a tear run down my cheek. Now it's Dinah's turn to toast Lauren.

Lauren's POV

It's Dinah's turn to toast me. I look at Camila and smile at her. I wrap my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me.

"Well to my Lauser. To be honest when Mila told me you left her as a one night stand I was ready to beat your ass. But I know I shouldn't because I saw that look in Mila's eyes. That look that made her eyes shine when she saw you, she fell in love with you and I was very relieved you felt the same with her. Me, the girls, and Shawn were afraid she will get heartbroken again because her old relationships never worked out. Thank you for showing Camila she had a life outside the company, showing her what true love is, and we all know you will treat her right."

Dinah finishes making me smile. I bite my lip to try and hold in a tear. Now it's our parents to toast. Michael toasts for all of them.

"Lauren, Camila. You guys make each other so happy. I was mad when Lauren left you, Camila. But I know Lauren so well that she kept coming to the company. I knew something was up with her because she barely enters the company. I saw the sparkle in both of your eyes. I was afraid Lauren will never find love again. She was afraid too. But thank you, Camila, for showing her true love and making her a more responsible person"

Mike finishes for him and my mom. Now it's Camila's parents turn.

Camila's POV

"Camila, Lauren. We know we have never been there for you Camila but you know we love you. We were glad we heard you found someone you love. We always wanted you to get married to someone that knew how to treat you right. We know you want to take over our company in Cuba and we love to have you as head CEO. But here's a surprise. We signed a contract with Jauregui Incorporated so now they own our company but we work side by side. I think I speak for me, your mom, Clara, and Mike that we have faith in both you and Lauren to take over the companies, we love you mija and support you with any decision you make."

My dad raises his glass at me, making me cry again. Lauren hugs me tight making me smile. Finally, it's me and Lauren to toast everybody.

"Will you be able to do it or do I do it?" Lauren whispers.

"You do it," I said and she smiles at me, rubbing my arm.

"We will love to thank you all for coming. I will love to recognize and appreciate our friends first. I know I met four of you at the company. But you guys have been so understanding of me and Camila. You supported us with every step we took. You got along so well with our family. You made my sister happy Shawn. And I can't wait to see you two get married because she's hopelessly in love with you. I have never seen my sister happy with a guy before. I just want you to treat her right. I don't know if I should say that because you already do. I will love to appreciate both the Jauregui's and Cabello's because you guys are such an amazing family and I can't be happier that Camila is part of the Jauregui family."

Lauren smiles but her family stops her.

"She's always been part of the family," Taylor says loudly, making everyone laugh but making me blush.

"Anyway," Lauren says with a smile pulling me closer. "I love having a supportive family. And I absolutely love my in-laws even little Sofi, thank you guys for always believing in us," Lauren says and lifts her glass with everybody else.

"Cheers," We all say and take a drink. "Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Everybody cheers.

Lauren smiles and lifts my chin, connecting our lips together. Everybody cheers and we pull away. The music starts again and we go to the dance floor with the group to dance. 

A couple of hours later most people are already gone. It's just the crew and our family.

"Well," Lauren says putting the bags into the car. She changed into a grey sweater, high wasted jeans, and converse. "I think we are all set," She says hugging me from behind, kissing my cheek.

We say goodbye to everyone and get into the car.

"See you in a week!" I yell out the window to my friends and family. I sit back down and I feel Lauren interlace our fingers.

"I love you," She whispers.

"I love you too, wife," I said making her smile broadly at me.

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