thirty-two - YOU'RE WELCOME

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Luke's parents were out of town for the weekend and he had invited me over for the day. My mom didn't even want me to leave the house, but I only ignore her protests as I walked out the door and to Luke's car. It was time that she started treating me like an adult because techinally, I was one. It was time for me to make my own decisions and my mom just had to respect that.

"Your mom didn't look too happy." Luke said as we started down the road, my mom still standing on the front porch of our house. I didn't know what her problem was, but she had been moody all day. Actually, she was already moody, but she seemed to be extra moody today.

"She's never happy." I replied monotonously. My mom always seemed unhappy, at least when I was around. Luke shrugged. "So, what exactly are we doing today?"

"We're just spending the day at my house." Luke smiled. I kind of thought that we were going to spend the day out and then go back to his house later, but apparently I was wrong.

Luke looked over at me as he stopped at a stop sign and cocked an eyebrow. "Don't you want to know why we're staying in all day?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why are we staying in?"

"I have a surprise for you." Luke reached over and poked my cheek while I glared at him.

"I've told you before that I don't like surprises." I groaned.

You're going to like this one."

You've said that before and I want thrilled." I crossed my arms over my chest and stared out the window. I felt like I being really bitchy and I didn't mean to take it out on Luke. My mom had just put me in a bad mood and I wasn't set on being cheerful like Luke was.

"Stop being so hateful, Caroline." Luke grunted as he drove away from the stop sign.

"I'm sorry." I sighed, "I didn't intend to be so mean." I grabbed Luke's hand that was rested on the gearshift and intertwined our fingers. I forced a smile. "Why don't you just tell me what the surprise is and get it over with?"

"There's no fun in that," Luke shook his head. "You'll just have to wait and see." I wished that Luke would just go ahead and tell me what the surprise was. I really didn't like them and it would have made me feel better if he just told me.

"Okay, but this better be good."

Luke glanced at me, a wide grin on his face. "I can assure you that you'll like this."


"Luke, I feel like I'm going to fall!" I shrieked.

"Calm down, Caroline, I'm not going to let you fall." Luke scoffed from behind me.

When we finally arrived at Luke's house, he brought me upstairs and as we reached the stairs that led to his room, he covered my eyes with his hands. He then proceeded to lead me up the other flight of stairs like that and I had this uneasy feeling in my stomach like I was going to trip and fall to my death. Maybe I was being dramatic, but Luke was just as uncoordinated as I was and that frightened me.

"Why can't I just walk up the stairs and you cover my eyes when I get to the door?" I asked, trying to pry Luke's hand from my face.

"There's only two more steps."  I sighed loudly and finished walking up the stairs. Luke guided me into his room, but didn't remove his hand, so I tried prying it off again. Luke stopped trying to fight me and let his hand fall and I let out a small gasp as I saw the room.

Luke had shut all the blinds over his windows and set lit candles throughout the room, creating a glow. There was a wooden tray set on the bedside table that contained cartons of Chinese food. I was completely flabbergasted. I definitely hadn't expected Luke to do something so sweet. I mean, Luke was always sweet, but he said before that he wasn't really the romantic type.

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