Chapter Four~ Let's Get Out of Here

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"We are still getting you out of here. Tonight if possible." Reth dabbed at the wounds on my shoulder with a wet rag.

"I can't return home looking like this. I will never be allowed to leave the house."

"At this point, I don't think you will be let out of the house no matter what." He was right. We've been gone for a couple of weeks already. My family are probably going crazy with worry.

"You should be tending to yourself." I looked down at his own cuts.

"I'm fine," he said quietly. Then we heard a noise. I flinched, not another one. Reth looked at me with worry. He placed a hand on my knee, "Hey. It's alright, it's just Sengen."

Reth had Sengen go find some healing plants. Sengen appeared out of the small tunnel. "I'm back. How are you Annie?"

"I'm fine. Reth needs the treatment more than I do."

Reth chimed in, "You've seen a lot more today then you have in your entire life. Your head must hurt."

"Well it's definitely new to me. I can't believe that mythical creatures are real. I even saw a fairy in here before the Griffen showed up."

He stood up and took the plants from Sengen. "I'll make some tea to help you relax and make a salve to cover your wounds."

He took a pot with him and filled it with a bit of water from one of the ponds. He came back and set it on the fire. We watched the water boil in silence. Sengen plopped into my lap and laid his head on my leg. I pet his feathers soothingly.

Reth tore the leaves off the stem of the plants and stirred them into the boiling water. He let them boil for a few minutes and took it off the fire. He set it aside as he crushed the boiled leaves into a paste.

Then he poured the tea it into two mugs and handing one to me. I reached for the one that had less, but Reth pulled it back and gave me the other one with a smile, "It's good. Trust me."

I looked down at the now foggy blue water. I took a sip and relaxed with a sigh. It was more than good. It was great. I downed the rest of it as fast as I could without burning my mouth. Reth watched me with a big grin on his face. "What?"

"Nothing really, it's just that this drink makes you a little tired, if you drink it slowly. I probably should have told you that before you drank it all immediately."


"Don't worry it'll only be for a few hours at most considering the amount of time it took you to drink it. I'll apply the salve while you are asleep."

"You... oh forget it." I curled up into a ball holding Sengen to me against his will and fell asleep.


Sengen and Reth packed everything they could carry. Once I woke up my head was worse than before, maybe I did hit it when I went down. My shoulder ached and pain riped through my when I moved. Reth came up to me, he offered me a hand. I took it, he grabbed my forearms and hoisted me up off the ground. My legs defied me and gave out underneath me, but Reth was there to catch me by my waist. "Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?"

He asked seriously. I forced a nervous laugh and said, "You don't have to carry me," but my legs refused, threatening to give out again.

It took all of my strength to walk to the entrance of our little cave. Reth behind me and Sengen in front of us. I made it to the wall and leaned on it holding onto the rock with my hands. Reth put his hand on my shoulder, "You can do it." His encouragement sent a pulsing urge through me to start moving. I nodded and slid along the wall to keep me steady. Were my wounds getting infected? That can't be possible it's only been a few hours.

"Sengen! To the right up ahead," he yelled. I started moving faster, but I was moving too fast. Everything around me spun quickly. I fell to the ground and held my head.

"Annie! What's wrong!?" Reth yelled. I stood up.

"Nothing just my head. I was going to fast, I got excited about leaving."

"I am sorry Annie, I should've been helping you walk."

I laughed, "You can start now if you want."

Reth looked satisfied and propped me up. Throwing my food arm around his shoulder and holding me steady by my waist.

Sengen came towards us, "Why weren't you guys following me? I turned around to see no one behind me!"

"It's nothing, let's keep going," I said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Sengen I'm sure."

He nodded and let Reth take the lead. He showed us around corners, and helped get through cracks in rocks to get back on the trail back to home.

My legs were aching now, threatening more and more to give out. My head wasn't helping. I was beginning to see stars. Reth held most of my weight. We made it to a small opening. There was a small cave opening where a pool filled with colorful water sat deep in the rocks. It was like a smaller version of the cave earlier, but with more radiant colors. I looked at it with wide eyes.

"We'll rest here," he told us.

"I thought we were leaving today?"

"We can't go any further than this with you in your condition."

"Yes we can. I feel fine."

"Annie, look." He took my hand in his and held it in front of my face, "You are shaking violently. I think you're getting an infection"

He was right. I really was shaking. I didn't even notice. "Oh."

He cupped my face with his hand, "You need to rest. At least for tonight. I'll get some more medicine" He gently moven his thumb over my jawline. My heart leaped in my chest. I pulled away from him and looked at the ground while fighting a blush. What was happening to me?

He gave me a reassuring smile and went to lay out blankets on the ground. I sat down onto the blankets and held my knees to my chest. I stared into the glistening water. I can hear Reth rummaging around behind me before he takes a seat next to me. He hands me the healing drink from last night. I take it without question, but this time I take slow sips. Savoring the warm, almost honey like flavor coating my throat.

I slide my hand over the short purple grass, feeling the blades curl around my fingers. "It's so beautiful here. I can see why you never left."

Reth smiles and looks up at the crystals hanging from the ceiling. "It really is." I look up and admire the light reflecting off of them, drinking the last of my drink. Reth takes the mug from me and stands up. "You should go to sleep. We will leave in the morning. I promise." I can already feel the effects. My eyes droop as I curling up into a ball. Reth softly lays a blanket over my curled form. Slowly, I slip into soundless sleep. 

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