Chapter Fourteen~ The King's Ball

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We walked down the road towards the Palace. It was stunning. Hundreds of rose bushes lined the walls, which were well-kept and trimmed. Arborvitaes lined the cobblestone walkway.

It looked exactly like all of the other palaces they owned... I wasn't that Impressed. I was expecting Reth to be, but he wasn't. Sengen was on my shoulder and my arm was through Reths. Haley gawked at the view surrounding us. Will was behind us quite aways. I glanced back at him. He was looking down at the ground. I watched as his shoulders moved with his sigh.

He looked up. His eyes caught mine. He smiled at me and waved. I smiled back. I looked up at Reth. There seemed to be a permanent smile on his face ever since we docked here. "Are you nervous," Reth asked me, squeezing my arm.

"A bit," I said, my voice shaking a bit. I would be recognized by everyone. I've been gone for how long? News must've gotten around that I disappeared. It was probably made into a love scandal. Being with Reth will confirm the latter. My heart was beating 100 miles per hour. Rumors are going to fly.

"Me too," He said. His thumb rubbed moved in circles on the palm of my hand. His soft touch calming me down. We walked through the gates and were greeted by a tall man. A man I recognized as Armando. He was once a guard at my father's home. We prompted him as royal guard and sent him here; the one palace that the king owned that I've never been too.

"Names," he asked. I dipped my face to conceal it with shadows. I wouldn't even be able to lie about who I am now. Armado knows my face well.

Reth replied first, "Sir Richmond Cooper."

Armando nodded, "Back from your research I see."

"Yes," Reth said staring at Armando with a surprised look.

"And how about you? Who shall I address you as," he asked leaning to the side to get a better look at me.

I raised my chin and held myself taut. The lessons Mom taught me finally kicking in. "Lady Annabelle Easton," I said confidently.

Armando stood there with his mouth agape. He regained his posture. "I didn't think you would be here My Lady," he said bowing. He looked up at us. His eyes flickered between Reth and I. Resting on your linked arms. A small smile lifted the sides of his lips. "Let alone with Sir Richmond. Welcome back."

"Thank you. Are my parents here," I asked keeping my voice steady.

"They said they would not be attending. They told the King the house had caught a cold and that you would also not be here." I looked at Reth. He looked down at me. We had the same though; my parents tried to keep my disappearance a secret.

Will caught up to us. "I'm with them, you may address me as Sir William Cooper." He nodded and wrote it down.

"Please, Armando, show us in." I gave him a lovely smile.

He became flustered, "Yes of course, My Lady."

Armando guided us through the doors to the palace. We were brought to the top of a set of stairs. The doors opened to reveal the ballroom. It was huge, much bigger than our family estate. The chandler remind me of the one in our ballroom at home but even more extravagant. Armando's voice booms across the room as he says our names, "Sir Richmond Cooper, Sir William Cooper, and Lady Annabelle Easton!"

People looked up at us, some clapped, some gasped, some didn't even look at all. I groaned, This is why I wanted to keep my presence here a secret. The gossip started immediately:

"Her parents said that they weren't coming."

"I heard that she had gone missing. Something with a love scandal."

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