Chapter Forty-Four~ A New Power

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She turned and walked into the training area. I felt almost bad fighting her, but she is the only one willing except for Damion. After that display, I'm not sure if he will want to train with me anymore. He might be afraid to now; then again he might not.

The room changed once again, but this time I didn't give it one glance. Grace took her place on the other side of the platform and I took mine. The chairs were filled quickly. This time the crowd was quiet.

Expect Haley of course, "Wooo! Knock her out, Annie!"

"Shh!" Someone in the crowd shushed her.

"What? I'm just cheering my pal on!" I couldn't help but smile at her ridiculousness. I was glad she revealed herself, but she was going to get in so much trouble now. Especially if she can't get food from the kitchen without getting caught.

Static filled the air as Grace called upon her lightning powers. Time to show her what I've learned. The ball grew slowly yet I knew the speed in which it could turn me into a french fry. I didn't let the smirk that plastered Grace's face rattle me. I relaxed and closed my eyes. I thought of nothing. I let my body send out an invitation to the lighting that was balled in Grace's hand.

She let it fly.

"Come on, Annie! Show her what you got!" Haley was going to get annoying really soon. Maybe I should tell her not to come to the practices, but I'm sure she won't listen anyway.

I did not jolt or panic once it left her hand. It bolted towards me and I let it. I breathed out and slowed the world around me. I called for the lightning to obey me, to comply to me. I was supposed to be the stronger one between me and Grace.

Now was the moment of truth to see if I was. To see if I actually can do it. It was close enough to grab. I reached for it almost anticipating it to sear me alive, but it did not.

I sparked around my hand now. I grabbed it and turned with it, throwing it again once I could see Grace.

I was glad Grace always wore a practice suit underneath her clothes, otherwise she would probably die from the impact that slowly headed towards her. I let the time go and watched the bolt strike her straight in the chest. She flew backward a few feet, but gained her footing quickly. The clothes above the practice suit had a hole burned through it. She tore it off and threw it to the floor. The servants in the room gasped. Once they saw that Grace was fine, they cheered.

Her eyes were filled with adrenaline, much like the adrenaline running through my vines. "Glorious! Where did you learn to do that?"

"Reth taught me." She looked at me questioningly. "He met me in a dream. I now know I'm not only a thinker, but I can wield fire, lightning and even water."

"Water? I've never seen that before. Care to demonstrate?"

"I don't know how to do that yet, but with training and everyone's encouragement, I believe I will be able to do anything."


After an hour of tedious training of throwing fireballs and lightning around and listening to Haley's obnoxious screaming, I was sent back to my room. I had a slight limp in my right leg due to a fireball that skimmed my skin. "I can fix that you know?" Haley poked and prodded the skin.

"Cut it out Haley. You don't have enough energy after coming here." I swatted at her hand, "Go sit down or something."

Haley crossed her arms over her chest and jumped onto the bed. Mary gave her a look and a wide berth as she walked over to me. She slowly tugged the melted fabric of my pants away from the wound and examined it. The skin was charred, but I bet Grace did not care one bit. I did this to myself; I showed up unprepared.

Mary sighed and stood up. "I'll go get a healer. Don't you dare move." I laughed at her forced seriousness. "This is not a laughing matter Annie." I snorted to make her smile. She wasn't cute when she was mad. Her lips curled a tiny bit against her will. "I'll be back."

Mary retreated to the hallway quickly, careful not to make any noise. Haley stayed silent as she swung her legs back and forth on the corner of the bed. Mary did come back with a healer who she introduced as Beth. Beth's smile was contagious. Mary couldn't hold hers back anymore with Beth in the room. She examined my many wounds of burned flesh and bleeding gashes made from lighting bolts.

She did her job quickly. I watched my skin knit itself back together in fascination. The warmth of her power almost lulled me to sleep. Beth's voice startled me. It was deep and was as smooth as honey, "If you ever need me. Ask Mary, she always knows where I am."

I nodded and gave her a smile as she left. Mary left with her; leaving me all alone with Haley.

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