Chapter Eighteen~ Back Together

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Panic was about the set in; then I remembered that I had locked it. I turned the lock and the door opened. Someone was sitting on my bed. Their head was down. Thinking it was Mom, I walked over to them. They turned to look at me. It was not Mom. My heart dropped into my stomach as Raymonds eyes glistened in the moonlight.

I lifted my head high. "What are you doing in here," I asked. Forcing my voice not to shake.

He didn't say anything. He stood up and looked me up and down. "You clean up well, Annabelle," he said. A grin appearing on his face.

This time I said nothing. Just stared at him. His grin became wider. "I saw how you acted with Aaron. By your actions I could guess you wanted him, or you just wanted to me to become jealous," he paused, and walked closer to me. I stood my ground. "Do you really want him, or do you want me?"

His fingers grazed my cheek. I jerked away from him. His breath smelled like liquor. I smirked and looked up at him, "I wouldn't say I want you."

He growled and reached for me. I side stepped. His drunkenness caused him to fall to the floor. He struggled to get up. I watched as he got up and wobble on his feet. I laughed at him. He frowned and reached for me. I side stepped again. This time he caught my arm and I tumble to the floor with him. He rolled over and pinned me to the floor. "You're clever," he said laughing. "But , I'm afraid, not as clever as me."

"Are you sure," I asked sarcastically. "I guess it does not help when you are drunk, does it?"

"How can you tell?"

"Lots of things tell me you are. Your eyes can't stay in the same place, you can't walk without wavering, and your breath reeks of it."

"Ah, but do you want to taste it too?" He leaned down to kiss me. I yanked my knee up and hit him where the sun won't shine anytime soon now. He let out an embarrassing yelp and rolled off of me. I took this time to get off the floor, but I was dragged back down. Raymonds hand trailed up my leg. He dragged me towards him. I rolled over and kicked at him.

My foot connected with his face. Blood sprayed across the floor. He let go of my legs and held his nose. I backed away from him.

Raymond was beginning to stand up. He glared at me over his hand. I glared right back at him. He stood up and ran his hands over the wrinkles in his clothes. "What are you going to do," he asked me.

"You don't need to know," I replied. I kicked him in the stomach and he fell right back to the ground. I ran to the door going to Raymond's room and made sure It was locked. It didn't budge. I ran to the door and slammed it close. I locked it and ran down the hall with as much speed as I could muster.

I rounded a corner and ran right into another person and fell to the floor. The person squealed as she fell to the floor. I stared at Savanna and Sengen. "I'm leaving," I said. Savanna's eyes got wide. I stood and helped her up. Sengen settled on my shoulder. "Have you found out where the dungen is," I asked.

"Yes. I'll show you," she said. Savanna set off at a fast pace. I followed her. She led me to the old door that is next to the kitchen. The one that I noticed my second day being here. Savanna whipped out a set of keys and rammed a key into the lock. The door opened and the smell hit me. It smelled like mold and blood. I wasted no time and ran down the stairs. Savanna followed. It got darker and darker. I didn't bother to get my flashlight out. I kept running with my hand on the moist rocks of the wall.

After several more steps it got a little lighter. I realized we had made it to the bottom of the stairs. There were a lot of cells. All with only one window. Probably to torture the poor souls with the outside world. I ran down the hall of cells looking inside of each one.

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