Chapter Five~ Finally Going Home

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I woke up before Reth and Sengen; Sengen was sleeping in the small indent in wall just big enough for his form. Reth had his back up against mine. I scooted out from under the covers into the cool moist air. A shiver inched its way up my spine. The feeling sparking the memory from yesterday's events. I looked down at my leg to see the small cuts from the crystals, and then to the large gashed on my shoulder. It was red, thats not good. Sleeping on the ground wasn't the best thing to do even with the blanket. I looked at Reth wondering if I should wake him and tell him but he already guessed an infection was on its way.

I decided it's best not to and got back under the blankets beside him; he was warm, I thought as I drifted back into sleep filled with dreams about Reth.

I woke up again to Reth's face near mine. Watching me. He smirked, "Good morning."

"Good morning," I said groaning as I turned to get up. He helped me get up and he noticed the reddening cut on my shoulder.

"It's worse today," he said looking a bit concerned. He walked over to his pack, and grabbed a piece of cloth, and soaked it in something. He walked back over to me and tied it around the cut with some string. It stung."That should do it. How's your head?" He asked as he put the back of his hand to my forehead.

"It feels a lot better. That drink does wonders."

He laughed as he helped me up. His touch sending shivers down my spine. "That's great. Let's just hope it stays that way and your infection doesn't spread. Now let's get out of here."

"Yes let's go," I said. We packed up everything and set out.

I had some strength back thankfully. Reth was in the lead, he looked back at me to make sure I was still there and not on the ground somewhere unconscious.

We had been walking for a little over five hours. Sengen was asleep on my shoulder, weighing my left side down. Right before my legs gave out under the pressure of my weight and Sengen's, Reth called out to me from the dark, "We're almost there, we'll leave after we rest!"

With that I collapsed to the ground not caring about the pain shooting up my legs. Sengen woke with a squawk. "Warn me next time won't you," he said.

I rolled my eyes at him. Reth came back towards us with several rocks. He placed them in a circle around the ground for a fire. He grabbed a piece of cloth from his bag, and a couple of sticks he picked up along the way. He put the sticks in a tepee form setting the cloth inside. He took a small rock out of his pocket, flint I believe, and his knife. He struck them together creating sparks. He did this until a spark hit the cloth, lighting it up with red and orange flames. He pushed the coals around to make a spot large enough for the lot to sit in them.

I crawled close to the fire, Sengen already there. Reth sat down next to me putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close, his warmth warming me on the outside and the gesture warming my insides. I looked up at him admiring his face; he reminded me of Aaron, but he was much better than him personality wise. He had the same jaw and an intimidating smile. I wish I could marry Reth rather than Aaron. I frowned and pushed those thoughts away. What was I thinking, I just met him and I'm thinking about marrying him? I'm promised to someone.

"What's wrong," Reth asked.

"Oh just thinking of someone."

"And who would that be?"

"Aaron," I said. Sengen made a small noise in his throat almost like a growl.

Reth looked at us both with a confused look, "May I ask who is Aaron?"

"Aaron is my fiance."

Reth tensed, "F-fiance!" He said sounding surprised, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I don't love him; it is an arranged marriage. You know women in wealthy families don't get to choose." I said weakly, pushing back on the pressure in my eyes. I won't let Aaron make me cry.

He lifted my chin so that I would look at him, "Well I won't let that get between us," he said smiling. I looked at him surprised. What does that mean? Does he-- like me? "Everyone ready?"

Both Sengen and I nodded and stood up. I stretched and cracked my back. I practically pranced over to Reth. He raised an eyebrow at me.

I felt weightless. Reths confession, well almost confession, has me floating. Maybe I'm not just the one who feels the sparks. We walked briskly through the tunnels. Not saying a word. We all knew we were getting out of here. "Look there it is," Reth yelled. I looked up to see a faint light at the end of the walk way. My whole body shook with glee, I was almost jumping up and down.

We made it!

I ran to catch up with Reth. Then my glee abruptly ran out, "Is that really the end," I asked, knowing that it might be the last time I see Reth.

Reth looked down at me, "You can't get rid of me that fast," he said, making me smile.

I could see the green grass sprouting at the end. The sun was setting and shining into the cave perfectly. Sengen on my shoulder suddenly tensed up. "What is it Sengen," I asked, but he didn't answer.

Then I felt it... the ground was trembling... aching beneath my feet. After a while it was so intense I fell to my knees, Sengen taking to the air. I forced myself to get up, and ran to Reth stumbling as I went. I fell into his arms, he supported me.

"We have to run! It's going to cave in," he yelled. My stomach dropped. We ran for the exit. Rocks the size of my head fell down on all sides of us. I was running as fast as I could. I felt Reth's hand find mine and yanked me back. I looked back in question when a gigantic boulder fell to the ground right where I'd just been. Sengen was a good deal ahead of us, dodging rock after rock. More and more rocks fell, more and more rocks that were blocking our way. Reth hoisted me up so I could get over the rocks and pulled himself up and over the other side to me. He grabbed my hand tugging me along with him.

We're almost there! I thought, we're going to make it! I ran for the exit; Sengen was already there. His voice was distance. Telling us to move faster. I couldn't hear anything, I just wanted to get out of there. I was almost out of the cavern when Reth pulled me back into his arms, crouching down and shielding me. I couldn't see what was going on; the noise was so loud, my ears were ringing.

Silence enveloped us. Reth held me for a while longer, I was trembling. He finally let go and I looked up to see the damage. I gasped, tears filling my eyes. The exit was no longer there, and neither was Sengen. I ripped away from Reth. Clawing at the rocks. "Sengen! Sengen where are you," I screamed desperately. I fell to my knees in vain. Reth helped me up. "What are we going to do?"

"We'll find another way out," he said reassuringly.

Right when my hope was fading away "Are you alright!?" A voice came from the other side of the rubble. I recognized the voice. He was alive!

"Sengen! Sengen, go get help," I yelled to him. I didn't get anything back. I fell back down to the ground, whimpering. Reth sat down and pulled me close. "There has to be another way out."

"Not that I know of, no, but we'll find a way out. With or without Sengen's help." He whispered brushing my hair out of my face.

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