Chapter Forty-Six~ A Red Wedding

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I didn't want to wake up. Afraid that if I did, I would be married to a monster. I forced my eyes open anyway.

Mary sat on the edge of my bed with Beth. They held hands, but broke their grip when they saw me awake. Mary hesitated and quickly stood up, "Annie." Mary averted her eyes. Beth smiled and stood up. Mary continued to speak to me calmly, "We need to get you dressed for the ceremony."

I sighed and untangled myself from the sheets. "I'm not ready, Mary."

"I know." she forced a smile to her lips as she brought the dress out of the box. The dress was not what I ordered. The top of the dress was the deepest red that faded into white at the bottom. It was filled with jewels. It was beautiful, but I didn't want it.

"This is not what I wanted."

"Damion altered it."

"Of course." I sighed and sat in the chair Mary pulled out for me.

Mary did my hair silently with the help of Beth. They braided it and twirled it into a bun that sat on my head. Then they topped it with a small crown that was held in place by my hair. I felt like it would fall off with the slightest of movements.

Beth held the dress in front of me. It was so beautiful. I wanted to be able to admire it, but I couldn't. Not when it was going to be on me, in a wedding that I did not want. She slipped it over my head, careful not to mess up my hair. The dress should have been put on first, but I refused to wear it any longer than I had too. I stared at my reflection while Beth tied up the back. She pulled it tight, but not tight enough to cut off my breathing.

The collar of the dress covered my neck with red lace, but the back was crisscrossed, showing my back through the crossed fabric. The sleeves held many jewels that reflected the red glow of the sky.

Mary handed me a pair of white gloves. They too were covered in jewels that looked red from the sky. Then a pair of white heels were strapped to my feet. I could already feel the ache. Then she handed me my dagger. I gave her a quick glance and stuffed it into a hidden pocket I had secretly asked Mary to request the night before.

All the while Haley watched me with a sad glint in her eyes. I didn't doubt that it matched my own, but mine held fear somewhere deep inside.

Mary then led me down the hall into a vast room. "This is where we will wait until the ceremony starts."

Voices sounded on the other side of the doors. Damions voice boomed over the others. It seemed like he was engaging in polite conversation. How that was possible, I didn't know.

I sighed. I ached to run. To just run and get out of here. Run as far and as long as possible. I would rather die in this wasteland of red, than walk down that aisle.

I looked out one of the large windows. The clouds of souls looked as if they were taunting me. Beckoning me to race across the red sand towards it. To somehow escape.

I looked out the window for what felt like hours, but it was only minutes that passed. Beth cleared her throat. I looked towards her. She sent me a sad smile, but didn't say anything. I was glad for the somewhat silence. Then Haley started talking, "I know you probably want it to be quiet, but what are you going to do Annie? Are you going to attempt to get out of here at all? You know he will just kill you after this right?"

Mary came to my defense, "Haley, don't talk like that."

I pushed Mary to the side, "Actually. I don't know what I'm going to do. I know Reth will come for me. I just know it. I will just have to survive until then."

Haley said nothing to that. She simply looked down and bit her lip. I went to sit in a chair, when I was stopped by Beth. "You will wrinkle the dress. Don't you want to look perfect for your wedding? You only ever get one."

I opened my mouth to protest when Mary cut me off, "Get ready!" Mary yelled over to us, shutting the doors after she looked out. The voices outside quieted down. Then a piano started. It was the same song that me and Damion played together that day. Did he choose it?

I shivered and allowed Beth to move me into place. She handed me a bouquet of roses. Clamping mine over the stems with sweaty palms. The trimmed thorns dug into my fingers, but I didn't care.

Then the doors opened. Damion's eyes found mine. He did not look away until the rose petals fell from the ceiling onto the white tile. He smiled at the petals that fell like red rain.

The petals fell to the floor soundlessly; creating a path for me to follow. I began to slowly step down the path of roses. Towards the waiting groom.

My heels clicked loudly on the floor. Damion's smile only grew wider as I walked towards him. I forced a smile onto my face.

anger mixed with a little bit of fear built up in my chest. It seeped out as I looked up into Damions warm and inviting gaze. I tried not to cringe away from him as he took my hands in his. His touch was gentle, but his gentleness was what scared me.

His eyes trailed my dress. They landed briefly on the spot where the converting weapon hid. There was no way he would be able to see it, right? It's too small to be seen behind the folds of this dress, right? Thankfully, he looked to the flowers I held tightly. The thorns were trimmed, but they still poked my hands. I could feel the sharp thorns breaking through the skin.

Damion covered my hand lightly and loosened my grip. Warmth spread through them. He was using his powers to heal the small cuts, "I know how you feel. I'm nervous too."

"I doubt it. You are never nervous or surprised."

His eyes then flashed quickly to the crown that sat on my head, resting in my hair. It was a crown for a princess. My new crown sat upon a pillow and was held by Grace.

"Are you ready?"

I forced a smile and tilted my head to look up at him, "As ready as I'll ever be." He looked pleased. The one who would bind us stepped forward, he was young, but looked very wise. He was older than his looks let on.

The ceremony began.

I looked out at the many servants who filled the seats, all of who were under me. Not Damion. A smile curled my lips lightly. Which was good. Damion would think it was for him.

We stood there hand in hand for what felt like ages. The wise man turned toward me, "Once the crown is sat upon your head, you will be the Queen of the Underworld."

Then he turned towards Damion, "And once the crown is sat upon your head, you will be King of the underworld. As long as the Queen sits upon her rightful throne. Long live the King and Queen!"

The crowd muttered the words with no spirit, but with a quick glance from me, had a change of heart, "Long live the King and Queen!"

Grace came forward with the crowns. It was my turn first. Damion took the Intricate crown in his hands. Up close I could see that it was made of a black metal and was decorated with thousands of little red rubies. A bigger ruby sat in the front of the crown, it was surrounded with white diamonds that were embedded in the black metal. Its beauty was striking. Damion turned towards me, "May this crown sit upon your head for as long as you are my queen."

I bent my head down so that he could place the crown upon my head. The smaller princess crown was removed and the heavier crown for the queen was sat in its place. I was officially queen. Damion's Queen.

Damions smile widened. After all, his wish has come true.

Grace faced me now. She motioned for me to take the next crown. It was much like mine, but it looked almost threatening in its design. Damion bent down onto one knee before me. My hands began to shake as I lowered it slowly towards his head. "May this crown sit upon your head for as long as I am--" 

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