Chapter Thirty-Six~ A Rebellion

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Days seemed to last forever; a few hours felt like several. My mind often wondered to Samantha. How was she doing? Did she find Reth on Celestial? I guess the only thing left to do was to trust her. Although I missed her. I laughed at past memories of her. I still can't get over the fact that she is 342, but acts much younger.

Dark clouds roamed across the sky. Casting eerie shadows on the walls and floor. The sound of someone playing a piano slithered into my room. I closed my eyes and listened to the soft melody.

The soft footsteps of the maids passed by my door. I could sleep all day and not be disturbed, but I couldn't do that. I needed to keep going. I sighed and untangled myself from the blankets. I threw on a tunic and pants. I pulled on a silk robe and made my way towards the door. The maids glanced at me while I walked by, but didn't say anything to me. I directed my eyes to the ground.

I went around a corner and bumped into a maid. A human it seemed. She fell to the ground with a gasp. Everyone stopped and watched. I scrambled to my feet, "I'm sorry! Are you alright?"

She avoided my gaze and quickly began to pick up her fallen tools. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking, my queen." she said softly.

I couldn't let her pick them up on her own. I bent down next to her and began to pick up the tools with her. She looked up at me astonished. "Let me help you. It's my fault for bumping into you." I gave her a reassuring smile and reached for the duster on the ground in front of me. She smiled back and blushed.

I looked around at the other maids. They stared in shock. Did they believe me to be so terrible? They looked at me with more respect now. They didn't seem as tense in my presence as usual.

I reached for the last washcloth on the floor, when the air in the room ran cold. A foot came down on the rag preventing me from picking it up. I looked up at the person with a glare. It was soon wiped away when my eyes trailed up to Damions face, "What are you doing?"

I answered back with pride and resistance, "Helping a maid that I ran into."

"You are disgracing yourself. Get up."

"I can do as I please."

His nostrils flared, "Not when you are my queen."

I snorted and pulled the wash cloth out from underneath his foot. "I am not your queen, yet. Who knows maybe I will never be."

He let out an angry roar and pulled me to my feet. His angered gaze fell on the girl I ran into. I gasped as he pushed her back down. She took her tools with her. Leaving the original mess on the floor. I pushed on his chest. "What is wrong with you!" He stumbled a little, but regained his footing easily.

"You will obey me. I will make you all obey me!"

With that he turned on his heels and stormed away. I fumed and watched him go. I turned back to the girl. Tears ran down her cheeks. I bent down and made her look at me by tilting her head back by her chin. " Don't worry, we won't let him be King. I promised my mother and father."

The girl gasped and took hold of my hands, as if I would disappear. "You are the real princess! Everyone she is Princess Annebelle!"

Instantly I was swarmed with girls. Young and old. Voices surrounded me, "She's back!"

"She can save us!"

"It can all end."

"She looks just like her mother."

"Quiet down girls." A wise voice cried out. The girls parted as an older woman came forth. She stopped in front of me taking my face in her hands. I could feel the power within them. "You look so much like her. No one dared to look at you so closely until now. You stood up against that man that killed our King. Soren wasn't as bad as he was made to seem, you know. He treated us right, and I expect nothing less from you."

I grabbed her hands and held them tightly. "I have a plan. I'm gathering a group to overthrow him. I promised my mother and father I would."

"You've seen them?"

"Yes, they visited me in a dream." I raised my voice, "Can I count on you and the girls to help me?"

One word rose up. Yes. All the girls around me chanted. Luring more and more girls to the hall. Soon it was filled with not just women, but men. Demon and human alike. Word of the rebellion spread among them. I shared a smile with them and hugged as much as I could.

The older one came up behind me. She whispered into my ear, "We are with you my queen."

"Will you train me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I am a witch, but I'm not strong enough to use my powers here. I will need them." She looked at me with fake confusion, "Please. I know you are one as well. I can feel it."

"Okay, okay. Keep your voice down. I will."

"What is your name?"


"What a beautiful name. I'm--"

"I know how you are! We all know. You are the princess!"

The cries of joy invaded our conversation. Then I realized something. We needed to quiet down, or else Damion will come and investigate. I interrupted the cheers, "Everyone!" I waited for them the quiet down, "We need to keep this a secret. We must be discreet. I know I can trust you all. Spread the word, but keep it from Damion and whomever you believe cannot be trusted. Please go back to your duties and prepare for a war."

Quiet murmurs ran through the crowd as it departed. Soon it was just me and one girl. The one I bumped into. She came up to me and blushed with embarrassment, "Please let me be your personal maid."

I was shocked. The only personal maid I ever had was Samantha. Maybe it was good to make a change. I smiled, "Of course."

She jumped up and down with excitement, "Oh thank you. You can call me Mary!" She wrapped her arms around me and let go quickly. She scurred back down the stairs. Leaving her fallen tools to sit on the ground. 

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