Chapter 1

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"Runnin', runnin', runnin', ain't runnin' from myself no more, I'm ready to face it all"- Beyonce

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"Runnin', runnin', runnin', ain't runnin' from myself no more, I'm ready to face it all"
- Beyonce


"Leave my house you cheap whore. We should've never adopted you. I should've killed you when I had the chance to you dumb bitch"

My foster mother, Daniela, screamed at me. I just locked my door and put on my headphones. As usual she came home drunk out of her mind. It's a good thing my foster dad wasn't home. She only got physical when he was here.

For someone who didn't have a dime to their name she sure did talk alot.

It usually affected me but today I let it slide down my back. It's my last time seeing her anyways. I booked a plane ticket from New York to California that was departing in about six hours.

My bookbag was already packed and everything from my passport to my plane ticket was in there.

Because they didn't like me the only clothes I had was two pairs of pants, two shirts, and one pair of run down Adidas. I've been wearing those clothes since I was sixteen. The fact that I wasn't properly nurshied made me never grow out of my clothes.

I had much more important things to buy than clothes so I never brought new ones. Neither one of them wanted to buy me new clothes or let me buy new clothes anyways.

California was where I was supposed to be. I was supposed to be with a loving family that valued me. I wasn't supposed to be stuck with these two abusive assholes.

When the adoption agency was going through with the process of my adoption they didn't see that my mother and father had a long history of child abuse.

On my sixteen birthday I was shipped off to them. I had to leave my home town California and come live with these two people who adopted me.

Since the moment I came to New York I've been going though hell. They've beaten, starved me because I was too big, broken many of my bones, and threw me out countless of times.

I'm twenty two now. I was supposed to be out of foster care when I was eighteen but they wouldn't let me go. They claimed that I was happy with them and that I didn't want to leave them since I had no where else to go. The adoption agency even did an interview with us over the phone to make sure I was serious about staying with them.

I couldn't even disagree with staying with them because my foster mother had a razor blade to my neck and my foster father had a gun to my head.

If it wasn't for my full ride scholarship to New York Univerity I would've never been a business major or had my master's degree in business and finance.

Enough though I had my degrees they weren't being put to use. I can't find a job in New York. It's almost as if my college diploma and my master's degree is useless.

This is all going to be over really soon. I don't have to go through any more pain or suffering. Today I'm choosing my own destiny.

California, home of the sexy boys, here I come!

1 hour later

Everywhere in the house was silent. No screaming, no talking, and most importantly twiddle dee and twiddle dum wasn't here.

They went to a marijuana trap house. Six times a week they go smoke weed and marijuana but they're still not dead. I guess those heathens are lucky.

While the house was quiet I decided to make a run for it. I changed out of my clothes and put on my ran down Adidas, my black sweatpants, and a black oversized t-shirt.

Just as I was about to leave my door slammed open. Standing there was my foster dad Mike with an evil smile on his face. I can't count how much times he tried taking advantage of me.

High, drunk, or sober he always did the same thing. Torture me until I gave into him.

Since I never did give into him I would end up severely bruised and beaten with purple marks on me for weeks. Everytime I would tell my foster mother what he was doing she would slap me and even went as far as forcing me to lay in bed with him.

"Where do you think you're going little girl?"

"I'm twenty two so shut the fuck up" I said in my head.

When he saw I wasn't going to answer anytime soon he threw the empty bottle of Vodka on the wall behind me. He dug through his back pocket and took out another bottle of Vodka but this one was smaller.

Why can't he die from alcohol poisoning? Why won't an alien ship coming falling out of the sky and kill him? Why can't Donald Trump grab him by the pussy? A girl can only dream of those things happening to that bastard.

"Your mom isn't here so how about you and me have some fun"

He slurred as he took another swing of his Vodka. My eyes scanned the room trying to look for a way out. While I was looking around he grabbed me by my neck and threw me to the bed.

I tried to push him off of me but he was holding my hand down. I sent a few kicks to his stomach but that did nothing.

"We're doing this and you're going to like it"


I said with a look of defeat. A look of confusion was written on his face but it quickly went away. He took the opportunity to let go of my hand and unbutton his pants.

While he was preparing himself I picked up the empty bottle of Vodka that was next to my head and hit it over his head. His body fell on the floor with a thud that was probably heard in China.

"What's going on here?"

My 'mother' said as she was banging on the door. That bastard must've locked the door when I was looking for my escape.

Before I could even react the door came busting down. She gasped as she saw Mike's unconscious body on the floor. She ran over to him and tried to shake him awake. She looked up at me when she saw that he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. I walked to the front of my door and slowly started to back up.

"You killed him!"

She screamed at me. I watched her as she charged for me. When she was getting ready to hit me I moved to the side causing her to go tumbling down the stairs. I stood on the top of the stairs as I saw her lay unconscious at the bottom of the stairs.

I didn't plan on making them both unconscious but that will do.

I quickly ran to my room and took my packed bag, passport, and plane ticket. By the time they wake up I'll be too far gone for them to do anything to me.

I'm finally leaving behind the mental and physically abuse that I've been going through since I was sixteen.

As I was leaving I looked back at the house where a lot of misery and heartache occurred. I'm staring a new life and I couldn't be happier.


I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. It's going to be a few chapters before the interesting stuff start happening.


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