Chapter 28

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"Our eyes locked, you can see the sadness"
-Juice Wrld


Ruby's POV

I woke up in complete darkness. I felt around in the darkness so I can at least get an idea of where I am. Once I felt my fluffy Mindless Behavior pillow I knew I was home.

I sat down at the edge of my bed and put on my slippers that were placed in the front of my bed. I was going to get up but a question popped in my head.

How the hell did I get home?

Just a few hours ago I was at my office planning for this banquet. I don't remember catching the bus or getting a ride from someone.

Maybe I was kidnapped. But that didn't make any sense. Why would the kidnapper bring me home and place me in my comfortable memory foam bed?

I heard talking coming from the living room and I immediately froze. Don't tell me I'm getting robbed again. I don't have a cardboard box bed for them to steal this time around.

"I know grandma"

I heard the person say. I immediately recognized the voice as Noah's. When someone screams at you every day you get accustomed to the voice.

"No grandma I can't just leave her. She's sleeping right now. You know it'll kill me if something were to happen to her. I care about her"

Does he care about me? He sure does have a funny way of showing it if he does. All the name-calling and slut-shaming sure does make me feel appreciated.

"I'm going to check up on her, I'll see you tonight."

The moment I saw him get up I ran back to my bed and collapsed on the bed. My arms fell limp by my side when the lights turned on. This must be how Woody and Buzz felt in Toy's story.

"I know you're not asleep Ruby. I could hear your heavy breathing from running away from the door."

Damn it. Why must I be unfit?

"How do you feel?"

"Great other than the fact that I woke up in my house when I could've sworn I was at the office"

"I gave you a ride home then I carried you up to your room. You're a heavy sleeper"

I giggled at the thought of him carrying me. I wonder how his ass didn't fall down the stairs with me in his arms. I went down to the edge of the bed and sat down next to him.

"Thank you for bringing me here"

"Yeah, it was no problem. You have to get your driver's license. I'll take care of the car part"

He said as his hand rubbed my thigh. It's like I was lost in a trance. I snapped out of it when I heard the car part.

I've wanted my driver's license since I was a sophomore in high school but I never got the chance.   I was working for me to buy a car but I got jumped by my foster parents and they took the money. To this day I still have a learner's permit.

"It's ok I can take care of the car. I've been saving my paychecks for a car. I'm so close to buying it"

"Why would you buy a car when I'm offering to take care of it"

"I want to do something for myself for once. I've been controlled for my whole life. I have always wanted a car and I want to be the one to buy it"

He looked like he didn't hear a word I said. He was too busy tracing circles on my exposed lap. I took his hand off my lap and laid it on his.

There's no way I'm cheating on Aaron. Just me giving another male my undivided attention is cheating to me. I'm not about to be clowning on a good man.

Some girls are loyal to a guy that they're not even dating. Then they have the nerve to be crying over a guy that wears one outfit like sis, you knew he wasn't going to change.

"So, you're still dating Aaron?"

"We've been dating for months now. It was about time for me to graduate from 'niggas ain't shit' university"

He was just staring at me now. His eyes stayed still and his lips were in a thin line. His fist was clenching on his lap as he looked at me. Angry was the understatement of how he looked.

That's what my foster father did every time before he almost beat me to death. I got off the bed and stood far away from him as possible. He must've noticed because he unclenched his fist and relaxed his shoulders.

"I'll be on my way. Good night Princess"

Before I could even reply he got up and left. I sat on the bed and thought about what just happened. He's so confusing. He didn't even like me a couple of months ago but, now he's carrying me home.

Minutes, after he left my room's door, swung open. Aaron stood at the door with a sad look on his face. He sluggishly walked to my bed and sat down.

"Are you cheating on me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Mr. Cruz seem to be very close. So close that the people in the office think that you're dating him and not me. If you're cheating on me please tell me now so I won't have to walk around looking like a clown"

I got off the bed and starting pacing around the room. This nigga must have lost his damn mind. He thinks that I'm cheating on him.

He's been worried about me and Mr. Cruz secretly seeing each other since we first started dating. He questions me about Noah to the extent where I want to sew his mouth shut.

Maybe I should shoot him in his foot so I can prove to him that I'm not cheating.

"You don't trust me? We've been dating for almost seven months now and you're still questioning me about Noah"

"It's not you that I don't trust, it's Mr. Cruz. He has a way of trapping girls in his web of lies and I don't want you to be one of those girls. What do you expect me to think when I see him coming out of your apartment this late"

"That means nothing. If I say that I'm not cheating on you then you should believe me. The trust isn't here yet"

"No, bab....."

"I think it's time for you to go"

He didn't put up a fight. He got off my bed and walked out of my room. Seconds later I was left in the silence of my room.

I just woke up from a nap a couple of minutes ago and I already want to go back under my sheets.

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