Chapter 44

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-Roddy Rich


Ruby's POV

Today was the day of the ball and I still haven't told Noah I was adopted. People might think it's not that serious but, it is to me. My foster parents are psychopaths.

I know they've been looking for me since the day I ran away. It has been a year and a half now and they've been too quiet. They haven't tried to contact me at all.

"Come on baby, we're leaving"

I examined myself in the mirror before opening the door. Noah made sure he bought me a nude and sparkly ball gown dress that swept the floor. The vertical cut across my chest exposed a little bit of my boobs and brought out my new diamond necklace.

Never in a million years would I dream of wearing a beautiful dress like this with jewelry totaling over half a million dollars to match it

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Never in a million years would I dream of wearing a beautiful dress like this with jewelry totaling over half a million dollars to match it.

As I came down the stairs Noah was fixing his Rolex watch. He was complaining about how the gold watch didn't match his silver suit so, he called the jeweler to bring him a silver one a few minutes ago.

"I'm here baby"

He let out a loud bowl as he made me twirl for him. His phone was out as he recorded me with enthusiasm. He slapped my ass through the dress as I started to throw it back on him.

"You look, beautiful babe, let's go"

He said as he kissed both of my cheeks. Ever since I told him I was 20% French he started kissing both of my cheeks. I love it so I'm not complaining. He took a hold of my hand then lead me outside to his matte black Tesla.

Noah told me it was a low key event but, he lied. Paparazzi were everywhere we turned once we got out of the car. The flashing lights blinded me as I walked to the main entrance.

Every time I would get anxious Noah would squeeze my hand or gave me a kiss. The constant reminder of him always being there for me pushed me to tell him that I'm adopted but, it wasn't the place nor the time for it.

I want to tell him at home or over a nice candlelight dinner. Ok, maybe not the candlelight. He's the type of be petty and threaten to burn my wig mid-date.

As the night started to die down I felt a tap on my shoulder. The fake smile that I had on my face quickly dropped as I noticed who it was. I started to tie my hair up just in case something was going to go down.

Yolanda stood in front of me with a grey, crooked ass smile on her face. Noah told me that she accidentally fell down the stairs on her way out of on her last day but, that was weeks ago. I didn't expect her to still have a slight black eye with swollen cheeks and lips.

"Hi Ruby, how are you doing?"

At the sound of her voice, Noah's head snapped towards us. He took the candle that was on the table and got ready to set her ass on fire. This is exactly why I don't want us to have any candlelight dinners.

I didn't even answer her. I just turned around and got back to eating my food. The ball is almost over and all I want to do is sleep. I'll tell Noah about my fucked up pass tomorrow.

"Do you want to say hi to my date? I think you know him. He's tall, black, handsome and all-around amazing. Look at him."

I didn't want to see Aaron's trifling ass. After he got fired he tried contacting me through my email. When that didn't work he sent a bird with a note attached to it to my office window.

Noah made me change my email and he shot Aaron in the foot. Man, I love him.

But, I wish it was Aaron though. When I turned around I was shocked to see the sickening smile that was on my foster father's face. I almost lost my balance as I backed up into Noah.

He was trying to calm me down but, all I could hear was my foster father's and Yolanda's evil laughs. My throat began to tighten with fear as the thought of me going back to New York started to settle in. Before I was knocked out He spoke up.

"I'm back baby and this time I'm not leaving without you"


"I don't know grandma, she was fine until Yolanda brought out a skinny bitch of a man that had a very bad haircut. Seriously, his hairline looked like the letter v"

"Now is not the time to take about his lack of hair Noah, we're here for Ruby. But, did you get a picture though? I want to see this disaster"

"Yeah, I did, lo..."

Before Noah could show her the picture I opened my eyes. I felt the attention in the room shift to me as I sat down. The first person to attack me in a hug was grandma.

"Are you okay baby? I tried to focus on you but, Noah was forcing me to look at a picture of a man's receding hairline"

Noah stood in the back looking dumbfound. After they had their little fight about who's lying the doctor finally had the chance to examine me. Turns out I had a panic attack.

I mean who wouldn't have a panic attack. My worst nightmare showed up out of the blue with my one foster parents. If one is here then the other isn't far behind.

"So baby, are you going to tell me what happened or are you going to tell me when you're ready?"

I could see the worry in his eyes. As I looked into his eyes I knew I couldn't keep this away from him angling. So, I didn't keep everything in.

I told him everything from the day I got adopted, the beatings, the rape attempts, and starving. By the end of my story, he was full-on crying. He wiped snot out of his nose on the sleeve of his hundred thousand dollar suit.

The sad look in his face went away and was replaced with a murderous one. He walked over to where his desk and reached into one of the cabinets. He pulled out a gun and tucked it in his pants.

"I'll be back. " I pulled him by his t-shirt and sat him back down on the couch.

"If you touch or kill him you'll for sure go to jail. He has friends in the police department in every state. Those cops are also his regular drug addict costumers"

When he heard that he calmed down. I know for a fact that Noah was planning something out in his head. I just didn't know what. When his eyes sparkly all of a sudden I knew it wasn't anything good.

He kissed my forehead and picked me up, bringing me upstairs to the bedroom. I laid on his chest as he gently stroked my hair. This feels like heaven on earth.

As I was about to fall asleep I felt the spot next to me dip. Noah slowly got out of the bed and walked to the closet. Minutes later he came out wearing all black with a black ski mask.

This nigga looks like he's going jet skiing.

He must've thought I was sleeping since he placed a kiss on my forehead and started to tiptoe out of the room. I didn't say anything at all. It's none of my business if my foster father dies.

As long as no evidence gets traced to Noah I'm good.

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